The Cabal knows they have passed the red line and have been violating every norm, code and law.

in #canada3 years ago


The following is the PDF document which is given to physicians by the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons to “help” them to rationalize and moralize violating the Nuremberg Code. Our physicians are breaking that Code and betraying their own duty as doctors by giving minor children an injection without obtaining the free and informed consent of the parents, much less the consent of the children. Children (including teens under 16) are not legally able to consent to having sex with an adult or to drinking alcohol or to taking the steering wheel of a car because they are not intellectually or morally or emotionally mature enough to do these things which could so easily result in lifelong harm to themselves or others, even death.

But when it comes to getting an injection of a substance which has caused heart attacks, serious and possibly permanent brain and nerve damage, paralysis and even fatal stokes in the adults, teens and children who have been injected, doctors are being told that children can give consent to that. This is a fantasy which is supported by the fantasy of a National Emergency when there is in fact no such emergency any more serious than the annual flu season. On top of that fantasy is legislation based on fantasy, the fantasy that children can give informed consent to something they cannot possibly understand and the parents responsibility and authority can and must be out of the equation.

This handout quotes the “Infants Act”, a piece of legislation far too long in place, to support the bogus supposition that a child of 12 – and already children as young as 5 are in line to be jabbed – can give informed consent to something that a chid is too immature mentally and emotionally to be capable of understanding. The Infants Act is a pre-cancerous tumour buried in our laws and now activated by the delusional declaration that Covid-19 is a National Emergency which justifies the suspension of all our normal laws as if the government were at war. This handout by the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons deserves careful reading:

Legislative guidance provides physicians and surgeons with assistance in navigating legislation applicable to medical practice. These documents are meant to be used as a helpful resource and should be read in conjunction with the legislation they refer to.

Registrants may seek advice on these issues by contacting the College and asking to speak with a member of the registrar staff, or by seeking medical legal advice from the CMPA or other entity.

The witch’s gruel of true Canadian bureaucrat-speak is as thick and slab as anything the witches cooked up for Macbeth to impel him to murder and treason. This handout “provides physicians… with assistance in navigating legislation…” English translation: this paper will help you not to get sued or jailed for violating your oath to do no harm, your duty of care and the criminal law, including the Nuremberg Code.

“This guidance has been developed to assist “ doctors in “obtaining the consent of a minor for their medical treatment” and feeling OK about doing that when you know damn well this is at least unethical if not criminal. This document assures doctors that they have no responsibility because Big Mother Government is giving the orders. The agony of freedom and professional responsibility is lifted from your shoulders, doc. When they come to investigate the deaths and disabilities your jab gave to little kids you can just say, “I was following orders.” It worked for the Nazi doctors didn’t it? Oh wait...

The government of Canada and the Trudeau Cultural Revolutionary Cult that runs it are deadly serious about jabbing our five year olds with whatever Pfizer "identifies" as a "vaccine" regardless of their parents consent. So whatever the WHO and Pfizer call a "variant" will be the excuse for jabbing our little kids with substances that have already proven harmful, even deadly, to kids world-wide. In order to jab every kid in the land the National Emergency will go on and on forever. How? The laboratory boys will come up with new “variants” to order as needed. “Delta”, “Omicron”, blah, blah. You don’t have to be as dumb as a bag of hammers but it helps. And if being stupid is a career necessity, get stupid and then you’ll be happy as well as rich.

Guess what other "symptoms" in the "vaccinated" people who fall ill after being jabbed will be called "symptoms" of "variants"? Actually you don't need to guess because the FDA was already informed of these "symptoms" and a whole lot more "symptoms" that would result from Pfizer's jab way back in October of 2020, weeks before the "vaccines" rolled out. In October, 2020 these horrendous "symptoms" were called "Side effects" of the proposed injections which the FDA could expect when the rollout got going. This list of “side effects” included brain damage, heart and lung damage, strokes, miscarriages and still births, paralysis and death – all the horrors that have now been seen in 900,000 Americans among whom 18,000 have died since January according to the VAERS reporting system of the CDC and FDA.

The FDA is the abject functionary of Tony Fauci so the FDA approved these guaranteed-to-be-poisonous injections for "Emergency Use Authorization", a legal fiction that indemnifies the companies from being sued. Final FDA authorization would remove this indemnity, that's why they haven't really given that authorization. (Oh no they haven’t, read the announcement. Have you ever heard of Comirnaty? Nobody has!) Our Canadian Infants Act gives excuses to doctors that American doctors may not have since it gives five year olds the ability to "consent" to being jabbed while removing parents’ ability to refuse their consent. Dr Mengele will see you now, just your 5 year old child, you parents can wait in the waiting room.

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