Our Canadian government fits the definition of an insane mother.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled his government's mandatory vaccine policy today — a mandate that will require public servants to either get their shots by month's end or be forced into an unpaid leave of absence.
Calling all people who work for the Canadian federal government in any capacity… do you know who you are? It’s not as easy as one may think to define that sector of the population because of all the companies, all the employers, all the “departments” and contractors who derive their income from the Canadian Federal government in this country. The boundary between those who are and are not “employees” of our overflowingly obese federal government bureaucratic system is fuzzy. You workers for THE BOSS are RCMP officers for sure but are public school teachers included in the big Government roundup? Even janitorial contractors and cleaners who maintain federal buildings are specifically included. It’s a big smothery blanket this “government”. Keeping us SAFE, that’s what it wants to do, this great big motherly/smotherly thing.
But “safe", isn’t that nice? I love being safe.
I thought I’d be safer from criminals because I live in Canada and I can call upon the RCMP, our national police force, to protect my rights and freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms which RCMP officers swear an oath to protect and defend. But surprise! RCMP officers will lose their jobs – it’s nothing but a job, you see, not a sacred duty to uphold the law – and they won’t be eligible for the employment insurance benefits that the Federal Government doles out at its sole whim and pleasure under the fantasy of a legal framework. Yep. The law here turns out to be a fantasy. The Prime Minister SPEAKETH from ON HIGH and the law and constitution go POOF in a lovely pink oh-so-liberal cloud.
Some RCMP officers are daring to worry about getting an injection that is notorious for giving young healthy people like themselves heart attacks and strokes at the age of 25 or younger. These people will be out on the street with no money to pay for groceries much less rent unless they give their “voluntary” consent to get jabbed. You see, according to our Prime Minister the Criminal Code of Canada under which consent given under threat or “the exercise of authority” is not legal consent – and therefore victims of this coercion are legally victims of assault – has just gone Poof. The Prime Minister says coerced consent is consent, thereby imitating the mind-set and the actions of a rapist.
But they won’t be lonely, all those many cops and janitors and publicists and typists and God knows who else. Not only will such low level employees and contractors as cleaners also be out on the winter wind at Christmas time, every “hesitant” person who hopes to travel to anywhere outside or even inside this country using any plane train or ferry boat will find themselves in internal exile as if this country were the Soviet Union of the 1970s.
Hey everybody – and apparently I’m addressing just about everybody within these iron, closed borders – tell ya what you do: ignore the order, report for work (or log in to work you "remote" workers, same difference) Show up as usual, in person or virtually, ready to do a day's work. Make your employer tell you you aren’t allowed to work. Then you quietly and politely inform them that they are in violation of the law governing fair employment standards. That way they are on record. You haven’t refused to work, you haven’t “quit”, and thereby given them the easy excuse to “dismiss” you after you have been ordered to be “on unpaid leave”.
Give it a try. Make your employers realize that this government is out to destroy them, their business, their livelihood, their country, their children, and as long as they submit to this government they are turning their country into one of the most ruthless dictatorships in this world today.