My thought of the night by the campfire.
Even if you are not a Christian, this is very well worth spending a lot of time reflecting on.
If you are, pray. Ask with humility.
Maybe you'll get what you want, maybe.
You can't always get what you want.... you get what you need.
Sometimes God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
I'm better at quoting songs than scripture, but either way, true is true.
If you don't ask, pray, listen, and do your part, then you'll just get what you get. It will still be what you need, but...
If you dont like what you get, life will seem cruel, random and senseless. You'll be tempted to see yourself as a victim and become resentful and nihilistic. That's the path to hell, hell on earth, here and now.
If you do like it, you'll be tempted to assume that in your awesome power, you caused your good fortune and can continue to do so in the future. Anyone who has lived long enough knows what a trap that is. Life eventually teaches us all humility.
So let go of both nihilism and pride and ask. Dont think small.
Think about what you believe might truly make you content and ask for that.
Be very specific.
Ask with humility, but ASK!
Then, listen.
Do your own part (you always know what that is).
Be kind to others while you are out there in life.
Have faith that whatever you get, is exactly what you need.
When that becomes difficult, and it often will, pray for the strength and the guidance to maintain your faith, faith that everything that happens, happens for a reason.
It does.