Still Attempting A Front Lever

The frontlever
So now and then when i cross a playground or something what can function as a bar. I have to do some exercices. One of these exercises is the Front lever. Or at least an attempt..
I still remember that day i hardly could do a few knee raises... As you can see those days are over. And the guy who motivated me to train knee raises, year later I motivated him to do front levers. Which he was able to do very rapidly.
Now, this move or exercise isn't that special or extreme, on Youtube you see athletes holding this position for minutes with extra weights and all kinds of crazy stuff. Yet, i love doing this where ever i am and hopefully i will be able to do this for a very long time.
Woah.that's hard nice one @markush..happy to see you working out again!..Me ..I do 30minutes jogging at the park but not everyday .I wish I can motivate myself to do it regularly because sometimes im lazy😂
Jogging is good and 30 minutes is more then enough to keep youself a bit healthy.
Have a good day there:)
Thanks for cheering me up :)Have a good day too.
Nice work - keep it up :)
Thanks :)
Getting in shape again?
Yes, after some injuries im slowly but surely back to working out. A bit exercising is a must now and then.
Good night there🍻
kortste filmpje ooit
haha true maar het is wel mijn filmpje.
Zie je snel man.
lekker bezig als het nog iets lekkerder weer is kom ik mee doen
Maat hedde koffie?
jazeker maar ga wel vroeg pitte
morge weer vroeg op
kom je bakkie doen
Nice ben er binnen kwartier.
Nice, moeten gewoon naar het bos gaan ofzo. Of West Kapelle heb je rekstokken langs het meer.
Goed bezig
I hope you fully recover from the injury soon. I see that you're still a ninja :D and this is the second short video I watched. Maybe, next time do it a little bit closer?
Thanks for your comment. Yes stil wanna-be-ninja. :) its my way of staying a bit healthy. Even stoners have to work out now and then. But you're right i should had filmed it closer, but i didnt have a tripod. So i placed it on a other bar.. I will keep it in mind next time.
Btw i hope you are okay as well or asap!
Good day there.
@markush :D
get yourself a tripod
Okay there, I highlighted it for you, so you'll remember.
I think stoners are healthy people since they consume herbs xD
great day!
Understood here
appreciate your feedback.
Well to be honest and while we at it, smoking weed isn;t good for your lungs. A vaporizer would be better. Or to eat it in a cake or candy.
But while im writing this, i think you already know this.
Good day👊
Have it with brownie or a tiramisu :D, I find it really funny that I hope, the person in front of me don't think I am nuts or some sort haha
As always great work done by you, not Seeing you quite a few days now, All you alright ?
Yes still breathing :) thanks for asking. What about you?
I am also fine dear.... Stay safe and Healthy :) hasn't have many friends like you on steemit :) So please take care :)
I like the image filter. Which one is it?
didnt know it myself either
Nice @markush!👏
Thanks :)
Your welcome @markush😍