Did Bush, Hillary and Obama set our land up to be used as collateral for loans taken out from China? What is the true cause behind these California Fires?

A crisis has been created in California which is driving up the numbers of the homeless.

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This article will cover

  • Actual photos of the California Fires

  • Questions as to why certain items and just homes are completely disintegrated many times, glass even melts which melts at least double the melting point of an 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, so why are the trees and other materials which readily burn in Forest Fires left standing?

  • Comparisons of photos from regular fires and what we generally see left standing.

  • How the Federal Government under the control of Hillary Clinton and Obama granted eminent domain as collateral to China when they kept begging for loans.

  • How Bush instituted a military government under the name Homeland Security "Agency". The H.S.A. has merged the military with the civilian law enforcement systems, something never done in a republic, if it is to remain a republic. This altered concept of operation changes the United States from a republic into a dictatorship.

  • How Obama was operating under Presidential Directive Decision 51 (P.D.D. 51) which empowers the president to be a dictator, and supersede the power of the Congress.

  • How the microwave was initially created as a weapon and the story of an engineer, who testing a new magnetron unit, felt a strange tingling sensation and suddenly noticed that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. He then placed popcorn, eggs, and other foods in front of the device and they all cooked.

  • Microwaves used as weapons, really?

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According to the Atlantic,

But for San Francisco’s thousands of homeless people, this warning is impossible to follow. San Francisco, like many California cities, has seen homelessness rise in recent years, as the cost of housing has gone up and zoning laws have limited the construction of new housing units. Despite an initiative passed on November 6 to tax large businesses to fund homeless services and news that the CEO of Twilio had donated $1 million to fund homeless services until the tax kicks in, thousands of people still have nowhere to go in San Francisco on any given night. As the number and deadliness of fires grows in California, the population of people negatively impacted by the air quality is growing, too.

Read more here,


The cost of rent on west coast cities has risen beyond availability for lower paid workers.

According to https://www.rt.com/usa/412151-homeless-population-rises-crisis/

The study by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed nearly 554,000 homeless people across the US during local tallies conducted in January – up nearly one percent from 2016, AP reported.

Of that total, around 193,000 people had no access to nightly shelter and were forced to live all over, including cars, tents, streets. The unsheltered figure rose by over nine percent compared to two years ago.

Increases are said to be higher in several West Coast cities, where at least 10 local governments have declare states of emergency since 2015 due to a homelessness boom.

What is causing this?

We are all aware of the fires going on in California and the path created.

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Do you believe these are forest fires or coincidence?

Are they something more? Something more sinister and controlled?

Why are the flames and smoke coming from within to the outside, not the other way around?

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What if land was needed?

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Here are some photos to consider.

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You have to remember, controllers play the long game. Much of this was set into motion years ago because we had no real collateral to back up the debts the Clinton's and Obama were assuming. Hillary has previously begged for more loans from the Chinese government. What do you suppose she was able to promise as collateral since our money hasn't been backed by a gold standard since the Fed was given control?

Due to this the homeless population in California, Oregon and Washington has soared over the past two years.

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According to Critique of “Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts.”

by Bernadine Smith

Things have changed ever since the socialists took over the oval office! Take for instance, our policy of eminent domain. The traditional policy in this country used to be that public officials working in government could take control of land held by a private person, and exercise "eminent domain" over such property, provided such action met with certain justified constitutional requirements and public approval. At least, that was the way it started out -- an essential safety benefit and protection of the public. Then in 2005 the Kelo Decision came before the Supreme Court. The Court's decision was that land could be taken from one private owner and given to another private owner, simply on the basis that the new owner would generate more tax revenue. That unbelievable and unfortunate court decision damaged the original intent of the Bill of Rights affecting man's sovereignty, his sovereign right to own land, and his right to receive due process.

Would China be satisfied to get the power of eminent domain as collateral for the new huge loan Sec. of State Hillary Clinton just managed to negotiate? Hillary was over there. Two public officials were on television a few nights ago, and one of them described Hillary "on her bended knee, begging China to give us another loan". China had been unwilling to take on any more of our debts. The only backing we have for our money is the words "full faith and credit". If we collapse because of the poor management and continual over-spending and inflation of this country's money, where is China's security for their loan? What collateral did she come up with? There has to be some worthwhile collateral for these massive loans being expended to us from a shrewd country, especially on top of what we already owe them. Is it possible that the federal government has already had to put up land as collateral for previous debts? What else do we have to put up as collateral? We have no gold. The federal government holds 50% of the nation's land, which could be listed as collateral. We need to ask "WHAT IS the collateral if we should be unable to pay this debt? The Chinese read the paper and watch TV. They understand our stock market. The situation begs the question: "How much of our physical assets has been used as collateral?" In the least, we should be knowing exactly what the collateral is! If our money is destroyed by more inflation, or if we go bankrupt, surely the Chinese government is not expecting to recoup their money in payments of "interest due figures", or wallpaper money. We realize that much of our land has already been consigned, turned over to the United Nations: Rivers, national parks, wetlands, Biosphere reserves, Heritages such as Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon, Independence Hall, etc., and dozens of other national treasures. Do we have enough other federal land and sites left to cover for all we are borrowing and spending hand over fist? Or will these huge loans also depend upon our privately owned land?

If you wonder whether it would be possible for privately owned land to be collateralized, remember back a few years ago when the National Association of Realtors' president (Julio S. Laguarta at the time, and pictured in the article) warned in his speech to the International Real Estate Federation in Toronto, Canada that "Failure to change an official United Nations policy that explicitly opposes the right of private property ownership will ultimately result in the destruction of our industry." Mr. Laguarta then criticized the United Nation's position on "no private ownership of land" as he warned of and quoted the U.N.'s position as follows:

"Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and health conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."

Persons running the upcoming administrations (Obama) under the "CHANGE" POLICY may be forced to honor the no private ownership of land policy! Our government as a member of the U.N. has already had to adopt such a policy, even though we are not told about it. This land policy has never been known to have been rescinded. If there is not enough federal land left to pay off the Federal Reserve, plus all those countries to whom we are now indebted, and especially the gigantic debt we owe China, our ruling socialist elite may try to pay off the debt by including our land (formerly privately owned) to satisfy the investors! The money was borrowed in the name of the people of the United States and the money borrowed will have to come from the assets of the people. It is called a "crash!"

FDR took us off the gold standard many many years ago when he called all the gold in to pay other debts. THERE IS NO GOLD behind our greenbacks! If we go bankrupt, a different ball game with different rules will be played, especially now that the socialists have taken over our country, and have acquired such world power. China needs land. They are looking to gain it.

Note that "agencies" appears is some of the articles you are receiving. "Agencies" are not responsible to the people! They are outside of and beyond the people's authority - not beholden to any Constitutional restraint. They are run by internationalists. If collateralizing our debts by using our properties seems unreal, then please consider that our presidents don't always have our best interest at heart. Ever since Pres. John Kennedy signed the General & Complete Disarmament Law the Congress keeps funding Kennedy's Public Law 87-297, the law which divests us of our total U.S. national armed forces and transfers them to the United Nations on a permanent basis. We will have no military! The same law also forbids all law-abiding citizens from owning or having access to a firearm of any kind.

When he was president, George W. Bush instituted a military government under the name Homeland Security "Agency". The H.S.A. has merged the military with the civilian law enforcement systems, something never done in a republic, if it is to remain a republic. This altered concept of operation changes the United States from a republic into a dictatorship. Obama is operating under Presidential Directive Decision 51 (P.D.D. 51) which empowers the president to be a dictator, and supersede the power of the Congress. These are all just facts. What makes anyone think that we don't have to examine what is happening, especially when government leaders want to eliminate the Constitution and replace it with an already prepared world government constitution. Hopefully, this article "Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts." will bring people out of their lethargy.

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There is clearly a repeated method that is accurate and consistent. Burned to the ground leaving no need for added removal and labor.

Now look at a before and after of this Santa Rosa neighborhood and ask yourself, who would benefit from creating more homeless people and having land that can no longer be built upon because of new ordinances.

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Same Santa Rosa fire, notice how trees still standing, but very little debris left from homes. Where's all the stuff that is usually damaged in a regular fire, but not burned because as pointed out earlier, many items burn or melt at a much higher temperature. Where is the stone, the brick? Granite countertops?

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This was Cardinal Newman High School,

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Where is the glass? This reminds me of my daughter's high school which had a bomb threat last year and a school in our district with a shooting. The other day, day after thanksgiving I saw a fire truck that was accessing the top of the building. Nothing has happened there except supposed threats from kids hoping to get out of school according to staff. I'm sure they will give what is considered a plausible explanation, but there are other simulation groups who have visited these schools in the past and one trailer I photographed there that runs "video game, shooting simulations" connected to. . .wait for it, the democratic party and certain 501c3 groups all attempting to further a clear and blatant agenda.

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The Entire Structure on parts of this building completely disintegrated. Why? How is that possible from a so called regular forest fire with embers burning?

If it's a wildfire then why didn't these branches work which are perfect for kindling, seen here and trees around burn? Yet it was able to disintegrate the framework in instances. Does this add up?

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You can see this car bent in half. All this destruction, but trees still standing. Does that sound like a targeted weapon to you?

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Here are some photos of what you generally see after a regular fire.

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Vehicle over on left smashed and bent, trash cans in front of where a tract of homes burned, how did they not catch on fire? Twigs and leaves didn't catch fire.

Lawns gone shrapnel from an exploded tree.

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Vehicles left with No Glass.

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No debris left from homes, no rubble, bricks, no siding or anything.

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Nothing but trees, twigs left when they are Calling it a Forest Fire?

Vehicle smashed and bent. Is that normal in a fire? All glass melted out?

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How is the plastic mail box with wood posts still standing, but house obliterated? More plastic trash cans outside, yet entire house with no rubble, siding or anything left. What is the melting point of plastic?

Even pine trees didn't burn while homes disintegrated and glass melted out of cars.

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This reported from the Associated Press here,

The Associated Press

Tuesday 12 September 2006

Air Force official says nonlethal weapons should be used on people in crowd-control situations.

Washington - Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.

Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions in the international community over any possible safety concerns, said Secretary Michael Wynne.

"If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press."

The Air Force has funded research into nonlethal weapons, but he said the service isn't likely to spend more money on development until injury issues are reviewed by medical experts and resolved.

Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices.

See more here,


Weapons later become used in households.

According to ZME Science,

Such is the case of nuclear power plants, the internet, but also radar tech, which inexpectedly and inadvertently led to the invention of the microwave oven — one of the most widely used home appliance in the world.

In 1920, a young physicist called Albert Hull, who worked at the General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenectady, New York, invented the magnetron tube — a coaxial cylindrical anode and cathode with an axial magnetic field produced by an external coil. It was a magnet that controlled electrical current inside an evacuated electron tube, or vacuum tube. Hull believed the magnetron would be successful as an electrical converter, but 20 years later it would prove most useful in telecommunications. During WWII, the British were looking to devise a higher-frequency radar technology for the war effort. A radar locates distant objects by bouncing radio waves off of them and then analyzing the reflections. Locating the enemy from afar was crucial to the war effort.

Engineers planned to build a new radar system based on electromagnetic waves in the microwave region of the radio spectrum. Such a system would require smaller antennas and detect smaller objects than lower-frequency, longer-wavelength radars. Microwaves correspond to a region in the EM spectrum defined by having wavelengths between approximately 1 meter and 1 millimeter, corresponding to frequencies between 300 MHz (Mega = 106 Hz = 106 sec-1) and 300 GHz (Giga = 109 Hz). Today, microwaves are often used to transmit data from satellites in space to radio dishes on Earth, but back then building a high-power source of microwave radiation proved to be a challenge.

In 1940, John Turton Randall and Harry Boot, two young physicists working in England at the University of Birmingham, found a way to modify Hull’s original magnetron tube to make it produce microwaves with high enough power. The improved design was called a cavity magnetron tube, and shortly after its first test runs it became the heart of the Allies’ advanced radar systems that were so essential — perhaps decisive — to the overall Allied victory in World War II.

During the war, one of the leading suppliers of cavity magnetron tubes was the Massachusetts-based Raytheon Manufacturing Company. Working there was a self-taught engineer by the name of Percy Spencer. One day, in 1946, while testing a new magnetron unit, Spencer felt a strange tingling sensation and suddenly noticed that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. He then placed popcorn, eggs, and other foods in front of the device and they all cooked — actually the egg exploded all over his friend’s face!

Shortly after the accidental discovery, engineers at Raytheon went to work on Spencer’s new idea, developing and refining it to be of practical use. A year later, the first commercial product hit the market. After a few decades of turmoil, myths and legends regarding microwave use, public demand began to swell with acceptance until the sales of microwave ovens eventually surpassed those of gas ranges in 1975. Furthermore, in 1976 the microwave became a more common household appliance than the dishwasher as it found its home in nearly fifty-two million U.S. households, or 60% of U.S. homes at the time.

According to yet another source,

Remember the stories over the past year or so about mysterious attacks at U.S. embassies harming diplomatic staff and their families? William J. Broad's story in the New York Times today reports that doctors and scientists are now coming to the conclusion that microwave weapon strikes capable of causing “sonic delusions” and brain damage are to blame.

The notion that our brains can perceive certain microwaves as sound isn't new, nor is the idea of using them in weapons. 'Directed Energy Weapons' have long been a thing. Russia uses them against drones. The United States military has developed sonic weapons and used them on protesing Americans, but microwave attacks?

The short and long answer is Yes and Y.E.S.

Strikes with microwaves, some experts now argue, more plausibly explain reports of painful sounds, ills and traumas than do other possible culprits — sonic attacks, viral infections and contagious anxiety.

In particular, a growing number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, named after Allan H. Frey, an American scientist. Long ago, he found that microwaves can trick the brain into perceiving what seem to be ordinary sounds.

The false sensations, the experts say, may account for a defining symptom of the diplomatic incidents — the perception of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing and grinding. Initially, experts cited those symptoms as evidence of stealthy attacks with sonic weapons.

Members of Jason, a secretive group of elite scientists that helps the federal government assess new threats to national security, say it has been scrutinizing the diplomatic mystery this summer and weighing possible explanations, including microwaves.

Read more here,


And Daily Caller picked some of this story up here,


Now if we go back Even Further, you will find China got a foothold back in the 1950's it started with the Pharmaceutical industry. More on this coming soon.

What are your thoughts? Do you think these are regular forest fires?

What odd things have you seen concerning these fires?

Please let me know in the comments below.


Don't forget the possibility of alien invasion.
To check if the human houses are better than a birds nest.

I wouldn't doubt that there's an alien invasion alright, but I think they're coming from down below ; )

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