Bleary-eyed, i went downstairs for breakfast, the house was empty, even the furniture had gone... The date was 13th july, my 345th bithday.. It would be my last.. Three of us we were the only ones left, the only ones to make it to the island.
"What have you done?" The headmaster bellowed, all eyes now turned to me. Dad just sat and cried. He cried for three whole days. His face was blotchy and his eyes were red. Then one day he just stopped.. The clock stopped.. 74 minutes past was time to get up. The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks deserted except for me. Everything stopped people were stood like statutes all around me, people in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams all lifless, frozen in time. I had never seen a ghost. But like they say, there is a first time for everything...
Grey and foreboding, the castle stood atop the hill looking down across the small town, in the topmost window if the highest tower stood a small boy called.. Am i in heaven? What happend to me?
Closer and closer it came, it was getting bigger and bigger, soon it filled the sky above, was the moon falling?
Peeking through the window her suprise turned around to horror...i woke up with a start, something was in my room. The wardrobe doors opened and it came out of my wardrobe....