Queen Bob read to children in hilarious tears storming down wet sunny rainbows of corny unicorn feelings of puppy abortions. What are you talking about? That is a great question. These kind of things are making me lose my mind. My mom said you can't win. I said it is not about winning because we won already. God won. You know that good wins. God wins. Dogs win. We are on the winning side. Buy some Bitcoin. Tell people about the bad people and what they are doing. We win as we talk about what is happening. Ask people questions. Have more conversations with them. Be patient with people & transition them to red pills. For example, with Las Vegas, why was Kym murdered later on? Why is the FBI deleting the videos off the internet? Look up Laura Loomer because she is investigating Las Vegas. Also, Soros pumped an additional 18 billion dollars in October 2017, just a few days ago, again, into his USA destruction projects as he has down for Hitler in many countries. Also, tell people about the bad IRS, FDA, NWO, EU, UN, NAU, CFR, NATO, NAFTA, TPP, FBI, CIA, EPA, Bill Gates, Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, NFL, Hollywood, drug companies, banks, companies, monopolism, corporatism, Rothschild, Rockefeller, & more & more & more & so much more.
Puppy -
2017-10-21 - created - Saturday 12:48 AM OTC -
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