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RE: Thanks @nextgencrypto

in #calibrae7 years ago (edited)

IDK... just shooting from the hip on this really. Guess the initial numbers were a little off compared to the average after 6 hours.
With an avg. system load of 5.XX while having several tabs open in the browser (plus running top and gkrellm, etc.), I can see a dedicated pos like my lappy pulling it off. Though crunching on through the timing errors and forced disconnections by 'peers', still managed to sync a little over 6 GB of the 40'ish GB reportedly needed in 6 hours.
Ctrl+C'ed it though in search of those alternatives we talked about earlier (just let it run the 6 hours for shits n giggles).
According to
a half-way decent older lappy should at least be able to pull of the sync using the p2p Node pre-built Docker option. And at the avg rate of 1 GB per hour should take less than 2 days to completely sync.
Yet I digest, I am sure my ignorance is showing (not a bad thing if I learn something through it). Prbly no happy ending anyway as p2p (from what I understand) can only read the info relating to the blockchain, I don't think I can interact with it beyond that (no creating the account).

Just want to get up and running quickly? Try deploying a prebuilt dockerized container. Both common binary types are included.
Dockerized p2p Node
To run a p2p node (ca. 2GB of memory is required at the moment):

docker run
-d -p 2001:2001 -p 8090:8090 --name steemd-default

docker logs -f steemd-default # follow along

Dockerized Full Node
To run a node with all the data (e.g. for supporting a content website) that uses ca. 14GB of memory and growing:

docker run
-d -p 2001:2001 -p 8090:8090 --name steemd-full

docker logs -f steemd-full


if you are just syncing with p2p node option set on, or even a witness, it should sync in about 2 days from scratch, and replay in 8-10 hours on a reasonably fast computer (at least 12gb memory).

also, all this problems the exchanges have with steemd - I could be wrong, but I believe that for simply executing trades and reading balances only the witness plugin is needed.

wait, how big has the block_log got now? Two weeks ago it was at 23gb. To be honest, I don't even want to know, really. I just know the abject lack of any real measures to stop spammy transactions is gonna take the whole network down pretty soon, within 3 months I reckon. When a machine like your laptop can't sync p2p on even a 100mbit connection within 3 days there could be a problem...

I wonder how bad it has to get before they realise they are gonna have to reset the chain?

When you are done with the Calibrae fork... do you think you can fork the planet (I think She's due for a reset as well). Lots of parallels, the addiction to consumption and convenience and damned the consequences. But again, I digest.
Work Work Work (busy day today, I imagine). I'm guessing you don't get much sleep (sleep, what's that?).

I like to think that Steemit represents the state of the world now, and that there is a certain Magick in creating a model that represents the world as it should be, the congruence between it and the natural law, versus the disjointedness of the artificial worldview imposed on us for the profit of psychopaths.

I'm getting really good sleep actually. I have developed a new ritual, when I get up in the morning, first thing I do is something relatively strenuous. Last two days, in which I have been extremely productive, I climbed the stairs 13 stories up, and then back down. I actually have to go easy on my legs after doing that two days in a row. I will probably just wake up and do situps and pushups to substitute, but not slow, as fast as I can. The speed seems to be important in activating the dopamine.

And then, I sleep around 2-3 hours after sunset, about 9-10pm, and wake up again about 4-5am. It's an incredibly effective regime, you should try it. I sorta had some hints at the method from reading Jack Kruse, but he did not talk about doing the heavy exercise upon waking. I think this is key. Not just sun exposure early in the day, not just earthing. It might be that in particular for me, it is extra helpful because I have AD/HD...