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RE: Thanks @nextgencrypto

in #calibrae7 years ago

You also know, that if say, you publish a weekly game and happen to include the same rules - you get cheetahed. If you bring a post up and reference a signifigicant portion in block quote tags to discuss it inline, from your own material, you get cheetahed. Why the fuck would the creators make cheetah not check if you own your own shit. You cannot steal from YOURSELF, but cheetah thinks you can.

bots like that suck, but human witch hunts happen too. So I wouldn't put it on a select jury. It just needs to be handled by community etiquette instilled and it can be. FB and Twitter and Reddit and 4chan self police and bad actors get ignored. What we need is less bots and more BLOCKING, which on the block chain is not going to hide your shit, but mute is what we've got. I don't give a damn if dude is copy right thieving, what I care about is blocking dude out of MY line of sight, and after that's handled, I give no fucks anymore, but bots fail and so do human posses.


Now you seem to have found flaws in cheetah.
You should contact its creator, or create an improvement (should be flawless if you correct these things) of your own either here, there, or both.

In your second paragraph you are wrong and displaying extreme self-centrism.
YOU don't care if YOU don't see, until YOU feel the effects on your beloved platform.
Ignorance in its pure sense.

Arrogance and presumption in it's pure sense ^

Look into Austrian economics, Hoppe and Mises and Anarcho Capitalism.

Intellectual property wants to be free. I don't want to see stuff from other platforms, and there is a difference.

As for the flaw, cataloging something any regular user of this platform is well aware of, doesn't make them my discoveries, just my contextual comment on my acquaintance's post.

Assumptions in their pure sense have a well known definition as well. I'm going to assume you already know it.

Thanks for the arrogant, self important, a-type insistence on injecting, how did you call it, ignorance? and condescension though. Have a taste of it back, and have a swell day, you cute lil' 40 rep stranger.

What was arrogant about my previous reply?
Austrian Economics is no longer valid since 1971, or around 1918, to be more exact.
You should look into MMT / Mosler Economics.
Anarcho Capitalism is a load of crap.
Here is my reply about it, maybe I should post it here as a blog post:

Hoppe and Mises I know nothing about, but from the context and the other 2 concepts I suppose I miss nothing by not knowing about them.
You care about intellectual propert of spammers?
They cause a violation for the intelectual properties of others and to some others' physical properties.
Any regular user here is aware of cheetah's flaws as you described them?
I was not aware, and look at Cheetah's author rewards for additional evidence of your being wrong.
Look at how many upvotes it gets.

Move along lil 40, $14 acct newb. Adults are talking here.

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