Legal fiction – thought police – getting ready for final hearing 21st Aug 2018

in #cafcass7 years ago (edited)

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Apologies for my poor English:

  • "there is a number"
  • "there are a number"

There are a number of threads, I’m presenting only the most important.

(respecting short attention span of the people on the internet)

By definition it is selective, does not present the full picture but hopefully you’ll get an idea.

The additional difficulty is that:

  • cannot use my legal name - that would disclose the identity of the parties.
  • cannot present what is written in the paperwork - courts are in private

But I can circumnavigate that - use a different name and present an overview, rather than identifiable details.

I’m aware I’ve already crossed the line. Back in a day started posting online - - and even though I got non-molestation for that, the potential contempt of the court (and consequent jail time) is still in play.

I’m worried that going to the actual prison as an inmate would get me into serious trouble. Someone may not like what I say, someone will get upset and I’ll have difficult time with no benefits to anyone, quite the opposite - some irreversible damage can happen.

I don’t want to leave it to chance - I want to take decisive action and be in control, be the driver, not a passenger.

I’m facing two options:

  1. keep it quiet, hoping that I’m a small fish, noone cares - that has a downside of “pending prosecution” forever, I do not know when it will (if ever) expire:
  2. plea bargain, agree on some probation, voluntary work - at first I was thinking that I can make a statement by going into jail, after reading a few books I’m realising it’s not an enjoyable place to be

Initial consultation with F4J is £750

Pretty steep, I’d be more comfortable with £100 initial chat and then action plan.

Wish I had consulted with you before, wish I had a solicitor, McKenzie friend, support network… I thought that I’m a smart guy and can figure it out. Things I did not realize:

  • Courts are game where noone wins (only lawyers)
  • Courts are the game I don’t know the rules
  • Courts are the game where odds are stacked against me
  • Ex-wife solicitors compensated from Legal Aid have no incentives of communicating (they have incentives of keeping parties hostile)
  • It’s a theatre - demonstrate, showcase, indicate, illustrate - facts, reality, truth, data, science, proof, evidence do not apply here

Rates for direct access Barristers are around £2000 - 1 day for preparation, 1 day for hearing. I think I will have to do this - a protection for me so I don’t say what I really think.


Drugs are one of the important factors in my proceedingspent’ve already spend £1000 on drug tests - NEGATIVE - no drugs detected.

It’s not good enough. I’m judged based on my thoughts. Yes - - thought police, Orwell, 1984, I cannot make this shit up.

Here is an email to Cannabis Research Institute, asking them for opinion:

It was a mistake, advocating drug policy reform and explaining economy of the private prison system during the child proceedings was not the best idea, regardless the negative drug test results.

Complaint to CAFCASS

I requested they base their reports on facts / truth / research / data / science / proof / evidence or at least do some due diligence.

The reply generated even more false / untrue / unevidenced statements, with no right to reply.

Now my option is messaging all 650 MPs saying why I can’t be bothered to ask them to escalate the complaint to Ombudsman.

(but I’m an unfavourable legal position with undeletable online stuff so I may want to keep low profile)


I’m not really sure what is my best option now.

My core values:

You can see edit history back in 2015 - - about putting Love, Peace, Respect, Trust, Honesty, Integrity above the law:

Quotes about the law


The letter about cannabis - (same link once again) ends with the following statement:

Blessing in disguise is that the tests cannot be more negative and they cannot prohibit children seeing their father more than once ­ that is why I’m willing to go all the way...
● Supreme Court
● European Tribunal of Human Rights
● United Nations
● Prison time if needed too, will make every second count ­

That would be yet another twist to the story ­being incarcerated for telling the truth and protecting human rights.


Before I commit to spend some time in the prison I want to make sure that this sacrifice is worth it, helping millions of people in similar situation…

I’m looking for professional help and support. £750 is acceptable, I just want to know that I will receive the best attention, not just an email: “we think you should hire a barrister” (something I know already anyway)

One of the most important skills in life - learn how to ask for help - I'm asking for help, I really need it, more than ever!

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