Transcript of Podcast Interview with Bytecoin's Spokeswoman- Jenny Goldberg [BCN]

in #bytecoin6 years ago (edited)

INTERVIEW.pngHello Dear Bytecoin Enthusiasts!

In this article, you'll be able to review the transcript of the most recent interview with Bytecoin's Official Spokeswoman- Jenny Goldberg. On Daily Coin Post's first podcast, the host Sten Jackson, interviews Jenny, to discuss Bytecoin's current progress, upcoming events, and breakthrough new innovations coming from Bytecoin.
There are A TON of amazing things in the interview, but I wasn't able to highlight it. :/

There are certain times during the audio clip, that I couldn't pick up exactly what was said, so I left it as a underline with parenthesis around it.
I will be completing the missing parts very soon, but I wanted to get the information out as soon as possible. Don't forget that the MOST IMPORTANT and PIVOTAL software UPGRADE is coming in JUST TWO DAYS!!




STAN: This is a very special podcast episode because it's our first of many. Joining me in our (____) interview I have the voice of Bytecoin, for many years now- Jenny Goldberg!

STAN: Jenny, welcome to the show!

JENNY: Thank you Stan! Happy to hear and happy to be your first guest at your show!

STAN : It's very exciting! Let's start with some background- a little about yourself and how you came to be the spokeswoman for Bytecoin.

JENNY: Well, at the first time I was interested in Bytecoin at the earliest was 2012. Then it was just an idea of untraceable cryptocurrency and it was a new dark world , and for me- it was just like:
"What? Cryptocurrency? I didn't know nothing about it.

STAN: Yea me too.

JENNY: ...and then, probably, somewhere 2015-2016- it was a project of my friends- I decided to learn more about it, and they invited me to join their team primarily as a community or support manager. And then in 2016 I joined the team a support manager and I answered people on their different questions via email. It was not so often, but it was me. And finally in 2017, I decided to become public and (_____) Jenny Goldberg to the community and start speaking in the social networks.

STAN: And now you are the community leader in the telegram group, and all the other...

JENNY: Yea..Reddit, Telegram, BitcoinTalk, and any other account that connected with the Bytecoin.

STAN: I'd like to ask you about something. There is some controversy about Bytecoin's real date of origin. Can you shed some light on that for us or clear that up?

JENNY: Yea for sure. Bytecoin was founded in 2012 for sure. Firstly it was on the dark net, because at this time there was Bitcoin on the market, and the group of the developers who decided to create Bytecoin, (________) its untraceable crypto currency. The first untraceable cryptocurrency into the crypto world.
It's like the breakthrough coin, and breakthrough technology, we'd like to (bring the world?), and it should be in the dark net.
And then later, 2 years- 2013 they decided that the dark net is not really good way for the cryptocurrency in general. Because, it was quite popular there, but they need more awareness about Bytecoin and they decided to move to the clear net, and place everything on BitcoinTalk and the other social networks to allow more people to know the history of Bytecoin and that the untraceable cryptocurrency has existed already.

STAN: So it goes back to 2012? I just wanted clear that up?

JENNY: 2012, for sure!

STAN: And you have been with them since then?

JENNY: Yes, since the beginning. I've known the team since the beginning, but my (true?) participation in the project started from 2016.

(3:30) STAN: Oh, Okay. Cryptocurrency in general was created in part to facilitate transactions anonymously, as it turns out, i guess, it's not as anonymous as previously thought; now, Bytecoin is known for its total anonymity, so how does it achieve this?

JENNY: It's (optimal) technology, its based not on the bitcoin blockchain, its based on its own blockchain, and based on cryptonote technology (_______) technology that allows one to make a private and untraceable transaction.

STAN: Okay, I understand if you're just sending someone currency just only the addresses of the sender and the receiver, complete anonymity seems possible, I guess. but if you're making a retail transactions it seems like it will put an end to claims of total anonymity for any coin. almost like using a regular credit card or something.

JENNY: Yea, that's why Bytecoin doesn't accept credit cards, or stuff like that, we do not support it, because if you have a credit card that means that you're not anonymous at all. Because there's your name , and the date of your passport and other stuff, you know. that's why you can purchase Bytecoin via fiat currency or bitcoin and ethereum using different exchanges. and now we have an option in our web wallet (____) one of the exchange to purchase Bytecoin using Bitcoin and Ethereum. We released that version of our web wallet yesterday ( ##DATE##) and we have our community already enjoyed it to purchase BCN using ETH.

STAN: Speaking of retail, since I brought it up. Where can you buy things online with Bytecoin?

JENNY: We have our different local stores where you can buy stuff using the Bytecoin, but we are working to bring Bytecoin into Amazon, and you know Steemit and the other really big company, to make Bytecoin more widespread. But now we have an amazing grocery store to purchase from, the art store to purchase things using Bytecoin, as well as carwashes, VPN services and different hotels all around the world where you can live using the Bytecoin. I guess it is already great! And also Bytecoin is integrated into the Coinpayment service. That's a service that allows any ecommerce platform to integrate cryptocurrency easily without any deep technical knowledge.

STAN: Okay, let's talk about Monero (XMR) for a second. Monero was created after one of the Bytecoin HardForks, so how do the two currencies differ. I mean, do they share the same technology or what?

JENNY: This separates Bytecoin from the other cryptonote based privacy coins, is the simple fact that we understand the code better than any others. (______), we knew it better than any other coin or team. Besides that , Bytecoin offers the most value for your investment. It has a continuously growing community, they have updates coming left and right to support the coin and develop it in the major players on the crypto market. I guess these are all the reason why I think Bytecoin is the preferred coin in the anonymity crypto wallet.

STAN: I see, Can you tell me some background on who conceived the idea of Bytecoin and developed and released it?

JENNY: laughs You're asking me about my anonymous team, I guess!

STAN: I guess so, yea.

JENNY: But, I can tell you that the idea was created in 2011- the idea itself. And the main reason was to create an untraceable version of Bitcoin. The founders of Bytecoin were inspired by the idea of an anonymous cryptocurrency that allows the users to make transactions that are unable to be traced at all. At that time it was a breakthrough, that changed the world of crypto.

STAN: So, everyone behind Bytecoin is still anonymous?


STAN: Just like the transactions?

JENNY: I am the only person who's public.

STAN: Ohh, I see. So when I said "You're the voice of Bytecoin" you are actually the only voice of Bytecoin that has ever been.

JENNY: laughs Yea. Yea.

STAN: Well, since its initial development, has Bytecoin successfully filled its intended niche? And what additional has roles has it assumed as part of its evolution, if any?

(8:25) JENNY : Yea, sure! Bytecoin is filling its intended niche, by the fact that it's continuously growing in popularity among the crypto world
The users are in need of anonymous transaction, as originally intended by the founders of Bytecoin. Admittedly we still have many areas to grown and more volume to create but we welcome the challenge as a mean to develop the privacy focus as (___) cryptocurrency around the world. We know it's something crypto users in the global market need, and as well we know it's something the Bytecoin team and community can provide. The additional role, I guess, that Bytecoin can provide cover and variety of aspects, but mainly we want to be the first thing users think of when they consider making anonymous transaction at all .We are the first team to make a privacy based crypto experience, and based on our hard work, we know it's only a matter of time until we are accepted into a even growing list of (_____)

STEN: Okay, so is Bytecoin the only currency that has that level of anonymity?


STEN: Really? After all this time, no one has tried to replicate this?

JENNY: I guess there are a lot of (______) competitors that are not really anonymous currencies for now because there a lot of stuff about the hard fork and ASICs miners, and when Bytecoin starts to support ASICs miner, thats not the entire (_______), I mean but for now, Bytecoin is the first, and for now the only one on the market that is the real anonymous cryptocurrency that allows users to make 100% anonymous transactions that will never be traceable.

STEN: That’s interesting. I kind of assumed that a big advancement like this will eventually become added to the standard with which new currencies are created.

JENNY: Do you mean, they didn’t create any other technology that will allow coins to be anonymous?

STEN: Well, I mean, with coins that came after Bytecoin. Why haven’t any of them implement the same kind of anonymizing technology that Bytecoin has?

JENNY: Actually, they implemented, for example - Monero. It is also based on the Cryptonote protocol, but during the time , and during the (___) change, and different HardForks- they lose the same level of anonymity. And Bytecoin has not.

STEN: But it still seems like a new currency that comes out today, it seems like the concept of complete anonymity is important enough that the development team would want to include that, as part of the inherent benefits of their new coin.

JENNY: Yea, I know that, but I guess the problem is all the (____) Ethereum ICOs all around the world that are not anonymous. Thats why the main idea of the Bytecoin Team is to create untraceable tokens. That means that we’ll allow different people to easily create an untraceable and anonymous token based on their Bytecoin blockchain.

STEN: Alright, Let's talk about Downloads. What's the status of the Bytecoin Mobile wallet. It seems it's not available yet. Any timetable on that?

JENNY: Actually, we used to have a Mobile Wallet, but because of the trouble during our network connection, we were deleted from Google Play and the (App Store Market) , but now we are in process of implementation of Bytecoin Mobile Wallet into the markets, and now we are in the verification process on the Google Store and App Store and I guess soon we will release our Mobile Wallet finally. And it will be enhanced and improved to the new technology that we’ve implemented before. But for now, I guess, you are able to use the FreeWallet that is available on Android to store your Bytecoin on your telephone.

STEN: Ah, okay, So you can use the FreeWallet App for now until the Bytecoin wallet itself is released.


STEN: So, to buy Bytecoin, can we use Fiat money, or we have to use Bitcoin or Ethereum or whatever first?

JENNY: Yea, we have different options to buy Bytecoin. For example- Binance, or Poloniex or OKex. You have to purchase Bitcoin first or Ethereum, and then change it to Bytecoin. But there is an option in OKex, where you’re able to purchase using USDT that is similar to USD, you know- and purchase Bytecoin.
For example- For HitBTC- you are able to purchase USD and EURO to purchase the Bytecoin. As well as (Cryptonator?) and Coinspot has a different FIAT Pair, I guess the most popular is USD and EURO. But we are working to make Bytecoin, more widespread and create as much as we could with (fiat?) pair in order to purchase Bytecoin.

STEN: Okay, good! Let's talk about the propagation and adoption rate of Bytecoin since its founding. Is this going according to plan, as far as what the founders have envisioned?

JENNY: Yea, if you’re talking about our Big plans- we have a public testnet coming out on Aug 17th… (We're launching?) our public network, officially managed test nodes, where Bytecoin developers will be deploying cutting edge technology (___) upgrades. And during the testnet period there will be a test coin launched on its own blockchain with the ability to mine it, and send transactions in the testnet.
And, I guess, the biggest news is our scheduled HardFork for August 31st. The hard fork will bring many improvements, but the main one will be the long awaited ability to set dynamic transaction fees, and despite the (____) simplicity of the change we needed a considerable investment of time and energy to implement these protocol breaking improvements.

STEN: Tell me more about The Dynamic transaction fees

JENNY: I guess this feature will be extremely valuable among the (interior Bytecoin?) system. The idea of dynamic fees is to increase the miners’ rewards in prioritizing one transaction over another, simply depending on the fee that the sender decided to include in the transaction.

(15:34) STEN: Oh, okay. So you have a hardfork coming up on Aug 31, so what do people need to know about that?

JENNY: That means that all users that use Bytecoin, the miners, and the investors should update their software to the new version.

STEN: So it's not going to result in the creation of a new coin, or anything like that?

JENNY: No, no.

STEN: Oh, okay. So, you’re involved in.. you are the cofounder of Asset Rush. This is a company that does token promotion, is that right?

JENNY: Yea, they provide community management services and listing on different exchanges. The company was invented August- an year ago (______) they are deeply involved in the crypto world as well, and they told me
“Hey, (_____), would you like to try yourself into the community management and different projects?
But, you know, I spend my full time into the Bytecoin development and community management stuff, and I told him
“I’ll be happy to try, but if you give me another person, I will give (____) suggestions or give her suggestions about what he or she should do with the community, but I will not fully participate in that process."
And they told me “ Yes, great! Sure! So, let's charge! And then how we started (______) Project, and as I knew they already finished a few successful community management projects. I was supporting all of them during the whole time. All the managing of different community, it was crazy, and really good experience for me. And now I am just kind of advisor to the Asset Rush and into the community management stuff.

STEN: It sounds great! Now, back to Bytecoin. Do you have any announcements, any big things coming up?

(18:00) JENNY: I don’t think that I have to make any official announcement about what we're going to make in the future, because the development team firstly should confirm that it will be implemented for sure. Because you know, It's really hard to estimate the time for the technical development, especially for such coins as Bytecoin technical development. But as I said before, we’re working on untraceable tokens, and were going to implement a P2P network release. It’s a very stable version of our wallet, that allows the e-commerce exchanges and just simple users to use Bytecoin with just a few clicks. I mean that it will be easy to use and more stable.

STEN: Alright, good! Any last words for our listeners?

JENNY: Yes, We are always happy to hear things from our community, to hear their opinions of what they would like enhanced or improved or different stuff, you know. And we have high hopes for the future

STEN: Well, I could not have asked for a better guest for our first show. So, Jenny, thank you very much for being here today, and sharing what you have with us. Of course you are welcome back any time

JENNY: Thank you Sten, very much. It was a pleasure to talk with you today.

Woah.... You think that was a lot of reading? The writing and proof-checking stage of it was a breeze ;)

BCN Wallet:

BTC Wallet: 3Jp8sSJXus5iDpGioZw8UQ6rEUfX8eJJno

ETH Wallet: 0x87ab49fe00551D6F63264a96b44be0f6D71dd6aF!

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