Byteball Use-a-Thon: One-Click Signup for Steem & Byteball users to Class Action against Facebook & Google for Crypto Ad Ban
JPB Liberty (@jpbliberty) is organising a Class Action against Facebook & Google for losses suffered by the Crypto Industry & Community as a result of the ban imposed by Facebook and Google platforms on advertising for Crypto Industry products, services and investment ("Crypto Ad Ban").
Everyone who held at least $100 worth of any cryptocurrencies or is otherwise involved in Crypto can sign up.
This includes the large majority of active Steemians and ByteBall holders.
The current signup process is a web form which requires certain contact and verification information and an electronic (drawn) signature.
For Steem & ByteBall holders, these requirements can be eliminated because all the relevant information is already available and a simple one-click signup would be possible.
The class action will be brought in the Federal Court of Australia against Facebook & Google's Australian subsidiaries and parent companies for breaches of the Australian Competition and Consumer Law. The class action will seek damages for worldwide losses of Crypto Industry members and investors. The announcements of the Crypto Ad Ban by Facebook & Google dropped Crypto markets by hundreds of billions of dollars. Crypto exchange volumes also dropped by 60-90%.
Thus everyone who held or holds cryptocurrency or is involved in a Crypto related project has been harmed by the Crypto Ad Ban and has a legal claim against Facebook & Google.
Steemians are an important part of the Crypto Community because Steem is the most widely used decentralised content distribution and social networking platform and the blockchain with the most real world users and highest number of real transactions.
ByteBall is also an important source of active and significant people in the Crypto Community.
Use Case
In order to encourage sign-ups (and frankly because people hate forms even simple ones) JPB Liberty would like to make it as simple and easy as possible for Steemians and ByteBall holders to join the Class Action.
There is no cost or risk and you don't need to identify yourself any more than your existing Steem or ByteBall username.
It is genuinely all upside because while you are giving 30% of any damages award to those organising and funding the Class Action, there is no way for you to practically recover those losses without the Class Action.
JPB Liberty is looking for assistance in developing this "one-click" signup process.

No, better is a general "sign up" addon/plugin
from byteball for websites.
Like Facebook and Gmail it have.
„The class action will seek damages for worldwide losses of Crypto Industry members and investors.“
that's ridiculous and crazy :/ if they have invested in dec/jan, thats bad luck, but facebook is not responsible :D
Facebook & Google did something illegal and it dropped the market by $300 Billion in 1 week! They can be held legally responsible for these losses. You can read more details here:
Happy to provide more details as to why there is a strong case against them.
Google was recently fined $5 billion by the EU for far less damaging anti-competitive behaviour.
I am not sure how I would feel about leaving my signature on some web form, but if there would be a official Byteball bot that does that same process for users who have done the real name attestation already then I think this could work.
Thanks for the feedback. I know many people prefer bots to forms. It wouldn't even require real name attestation as JPB Liberty is only concerned to confirm people actually own cryptocurrency and get some contact details. Real identity is not needed for the legal action.