Gender consideration in online education
The number of unprecedented changes that have come forth in our lives due to covid is innumerable. The world was a spectator of the gigantic shift from the norm. The disease shunned everyone indoors; everyone had to conduct every piece of work from their home only. The risk of going out to do any task is too much, given the magnitude of the situation.
The educational sector was not left unaffected by covid. With the world at war with covid, online education platforms like Byju’s was the only method of learning left for all the students. And so, the whole world was a witness of the colossal shift from the traditional way of learning to online learning. We can’t exactly press pause on the students’ education, can we now? After all, education provides the foundation for lifetime learning. It is the first step towards change, acknowledging the fact that information is liberating. It is the key to opportunity in society. A lack of knowledge creates fear; seeking knowledge creates courage. Equal educational opportunities should be the birthright of every member of the community.
But, what exactly does online education entail?
Online education involves various courses offered virtually by educational institutions. The classes take place over the internet. Byju’s provides the students with a great deal of flexibility as they can take courses anywhere, anytime. It gives more scope for self-paced learning. It grants students the means to manage their time and responsibilities appropriately. Moreover, it is cost-effective. Its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages.
In education, whether online or offline, there has been gender disparity for a long time in many countries. Learning gaps still exist, to a certain extent, due to this. To curb this issue, considerable efforts and considerable progress made by people are visible. There has been a rise in the global youth literacy rate since the year 2000. Moreover, an increase in the number of females studying online is evident. In many countries, women make up the majority of online learners.
Some people think that the whole online education environment can’t automatically be free from gender disparity and become democratic, and some believe that the climate is gender-neutral and democratic. How can that possibly be the case when one can never be sure about how many people may register for a particular course online? There are plenty of factors at play in making such a decision. Furthermore, there is no surety about the nature of the people who attend online classes; it can be mayhem for all they know.
As the world and technology develop, education grows as well. Access to teaching from home has had a significant impact on both genders, especially people who could not pursue their studies due to personal reasons. Some have concluded that gender consideration is irrelevant in online education; whereas, others think that online education favors women. It is all circumstantial. Educational institutions must make themselves aware of the fact that males and females have distinct learning needs. They must adapt accordingly and ensure that there is gender equality and flexibility in the online learning environment.