
And royalty. He better. Lol. He eats fancy meat everyday. And I’m gonna be his last owner. Even tho I found him in the ghetto. He will never step foot in the ghetto again. Lol

I was going to say they say love after being hurt, and loyalty to the core to protect any who fuck with his new found love.....

Man scarlet your hella ghetto. Lmao. Yes. He’s awesome protector. And a better eater. Lmao.

I love dogs.....that precious girl in my picture passed a short time ago.... :(

But man, I am telling you, that was a special dog. I didn't have to sell her, she sold herself. No joke, one of my human friends said that she was literally his best friend. There was an ancient spiritual aura with her. She was last picked, nobody wanted her because she had a knick bitten off one of her ears by mama so she was considered imperfect. She was a dual pure mix, pure German illegally brought over to the US male and pure US female. It was pure providence that she came into my life.

I often would think about how she was not the lucky one to have someone take her in, to be alive while I was, or that I wanted her.....but instead, we were the lucky ones that just by the smallest chance in all of life we were born within the tiny tiny tiny stretch of all of time that her being came into existence.

She saved my life, or I would not be here today, and I got to return the favor once in her life.

I am very much a traditionalist when it comes to family, love, and respect.
When she passed, I took a shovel, a saw, wood, a hammer, nails, and concrete, and I drove them and her to my land. There I spent hours digging her a place to rest her weary body, I built her a casket, and I made her a stone. I will join her there when I go.

I have nominated you for @steembasicincome good luck
my way of saying sorry i couldnt get your reputation back from @cryptopassion do not worry war with @cryptopassion is not over quite yet,,,it has only begun

You nominated me? If so, wow man, that's really freaking cool of you.

I would let sleeping dogs lie, pun yeah.......we can do so much with what we have going on, he ain't got shit on us.

Bullies need to be put back in there place. And I don’t need anyone’s help. This is my battle. And I will be making him an example. So all whales know they should be very careful. As they do not know if they pick on someone with very little steempower with a new account could also be a bigger whale than them. I hate bullies with a passion. Hah.

You do what you do! I really appreciate your upvotes and the nomination. I just added another share for you!

THAnk you for sharing.

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