B&W Photo Contest ~ New Theme Announcement ~ Minimalism
~ Minimalism ~
Definition: Photography using a minimal amount of components such as shapes, lines, and textures. Less is more!
“I walk, I look, I see, I stop, I photograph.”- Leon Levinstein
Guest Judge
This Week @kunschj
Next Contest begins July 29th!
~ Prizes ~
1st Place ~ 10 SBD/STEEM
2nd Place ~ 5 SBD/STEEM
3rd Place ~ 3 SBD/STEEM
Honourable Mention ~ 2 SBD/STEEM

Entries can be posted here in the comment section!
This is my first entry:
link to the post
My second entry:
link to the post
And here is my third:
link to the post
Good post
Thanks @daveks for allowing me to judge this contest. I’m looking forward to some great minimalist photography.
Me too! Should be a fun week!
Wonderful judge, @kunschj! I'm happy for you! Cheers!
Here is my first entry:
flathead version.
camera: iPhone 7s
link: https://steemit.com/bwphotocontest/@ohicklin/screwed
Hi @kunschj, here's my first entry:
Entry 2
This is very evocative of grief and loneliness. Beautifully done.
That's interesting, @gmatthe2.....It was lonely....a solitary dandelion standing in an empty pot looking out over the sunset - exactly what drew me to photograph it. Very nice interpretation. Amazing how much photographs say especially a minimalist presentation....hmmmm
Hi there, here is my entry #3 and last for this week edition. Cheers to all!
thanks for hosting. I like the theme:
This should be interesting. Let the fun begin!