Cadillac Ranch in B & W

I'd edited this shot with the intention of entering it into @daveks #bwphotocontest but I piddled around and missed the deadline. I keep telling myself I'll procrastinate later but it never seems to work out. . .


Cadillac Ranch is a set of ten Cadillacs half buried in a field outside of Amarillo, Texas. It's open to the public and anybody can bring a can of spray paint to help decorate the cars (just don't expect your handiwork to be visible for long). This second shot is from a different angle so that you can see all the Cadillacs (it can be a bit of a challenge to get one without a bunch of people in it)


Taken with a Nikon D5000
(I may have missed out on one contest but there's always @monochromes #monomad contest!)


No, no... they didn't had any place to put the cars so they did this ahahah

Well it's definitely an unusual parking job...

You are still good. The contests are now 2 weeks in length!

Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up.

This is so freaking cool! :D

Apparently, it's what happens when artists manage to find eccentric millionaires. I initially wasn't too sure how interesting it would be, then we got there. . . It's awesome, wound up spending way more time there than planned.

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