Buyzooka - A FastCheck out platform that connect shoppers to 1.5 millions independent shops to date.

in #buyzooka4 years ago (edited)

Speed, security, privacy and evading third party involvement is need of the hour in current time. the basic problems we all are facing in the mutual transactions ecosystem are the big hurdles of the current market growth. Time is money and what we face that our transactions are stucked and the third party involvement make it further costlier.

DеFі hаѕ сhаngеd a lot оf things іn trаdіtіоnаl financing. Thіѕ has bееn орtіmіzеd to іnсludе innovative technologies оn thе blockchain that will tаkе dесеntrаlіzаtіоn to glоbаl recognition аnd аdорtіоn. Aѕ оf thіѕ уеаr, ѕо many applications have been designed on thе Ethеrеum blосkсhаіn wіth thеіr functions, аll аіmеd at рееr-tо-рееr fіnаnсе. Buyzooka іѕ the lаtеѕt of thоѕе DeFi platforms dеѕіgnеd to аdd vаluе to dесеntrаlіzеd fіnаnсе.

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Buyzooka is a FastCheck out platform that connect shoppers to 1.5 millions independent shops to date. It aims to provide to local stores the same technological tools than Amazon-like marketplaces to give them back the power through unbundled and decenetralized mutualization.

Buyzooka platform functions as software that facilitates the commercial process of initiating and executing transactions over the internet. Independent merchants display products on their own preserving their indentity. Then consumers browse the Buyzooka’s search engine to find and purchase the products based on desired preference discovering a huge diversity of brands and independent retailers. Hence, a fashion wears merchant will be found through Buyzooka’s unbundled network with keywords search like Apparel, sneakers, bikini, etc.

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Why Buyzooka?

Buyzooka is as merchant agnostic fast checkout application. As said earlier it aims to connect millions of retailers to shoppers by providing a simplified transaction process while still ensuring that shoppers are rewarded in $BZOO tokens. Buyzooka leverages the usefulness of blockchain technology and the benefits of cryptocurrency to provide a better e-shopping experience for shoppers and increased sales for e-retailers.


Asides from leveraging the blockchain technology to ease the transaction process, Buyzooka will enhance fast-checkout on its eCommerce platform by incorporating the Nomad API. On the Buyzooka platform, the Nomad API and ERP software are used to create a free flow of consistent and precise information, thus easing users’ workload. Rather than use the traditional eCommerce APIs, the Buyzooka is employing the Nomad application programming software (API). The API is enhancing a full synchronization of the platform’s data with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).


Most eCommerce platforms run centralized operations where retailers are not allowed to participate in the decisions regarding technologies used, marketing activities, and market regulations, amongst others. While some have gotten used to this, there has been more clamor for a more sustainable marketplace. A digital marketplace where merchants are as involved in the administrative process as the administrators. Hence, the Buyzooka administrative system removes the centralized system of eCommerce platforms by incorporating a decentralized system powered by the Ethereum blockchain technology. The eCommerce platform aims to give merchants the right to get an active and real participation while still promoting transparency and equality. In the Buyzooka eCommerce network, token holders will be able to participate to governance referendum.


While the Buyzooka marketplace provides products for shoppers worldwide, the Buyzooka United Nation in-app P2P marketplace focuses on the buying, selling, and exchanging secondhand products among members of the community (Holders). Buyzooka connects peers in need of a second-hand product to peers who have the product in exchange with Tokens. In the Buyzooka decentralized p2p in-app marketplace, peers can interact with themselves without the interference of a third party. The in-app leverages the decentralized feature of the blockchain technology to enforce trust and information asymmetries. However, unlike the general Buyzooka marketplace, the BUN only incorporates the sale of small second-hand items with low carbon impact. Much more, the sale and exchange of items in this marketplace are restricted to city-based or country-based transactions.


When needed, Buyzooka will let you access the mutualized token stack to turn your payment into smaller installments over time — with no third application. Since it’s “holders to holders financing” there are no applications or credit checks that affect your credit score and make things complicated to slow you down at checkout. And you continue to earn your rewards.

  • Token-curated Registries:

Also known as a TCR, it is an incentivized voting game that helps create trusted lists that are maintained by the very people that use them. Using the “Wisdom of the Crowds” principle, users collectively vote (using tokens) to decide which submissions are valid and should be included in the list. This will allow holders to promote their preferred shops. The token holders maintaining this “shopping- list” must ensure only the highest quality retailers get added. This way their list is seen as trustworthy, helpful, and valuable.

BZOO Token

$BZOO is the native and governance token of the platform and all the rewards are given in BZOO token and it has various usages on the platform users can setup their payments in BZOO tokens and the earned rewards on the platform are given in BZOO token the holders are the tokens are the stakes holders of the platform and they can earn more BZOO on the platform and can vote to the site best applications to use on the platform and help to develop good future development strategies.



The second wave of commerce ushered in a highscale business model designed to meet the needs of an online global audience. While this development changed how people could access products, it brought along centralization. Centralized eCommerce platforms like Amazon exerted influence over users’ experience on the sites and ended up putting people under their autonomous control. Policies change without prior notice, high commissions are required, some payment methods are unavailable, some goods cannot be shipped to some countries, and the checkout processes are usually stressful. However, the introduction of blockchain and token-based business models has changed how things are done. Buyzooka builds a decentralized eCommerce structure that removes the problems initiated by the centralized platforms.

Do not miss the opportunity, join and become a part of this worldwide growing community. This project is going to be helpful for freshers as well since the hidden theme of this project is “earning while learning”. And it is a fact that no one bothers to educate their clients but this project dares and taking along its community on a path of successful future.

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