IG Money Tree Review -
Hey there it's Chris here from selfmadenewbie.com. Welcome to this IG money tree review now IG money tree is is such an out-of-the-box way to generate money that it's actually a little bit complicated to explain in a nutshell but what it's going to do is help you make passive income by offering other people a way to make income online a legit way and also offering that for free they in turn are also going to be able to offer that to other people and gain commissions from products that already exists by using landing pages that you can create within you know a single mouse click so basically an automatic generated system now let's say for instance you approached a friend and say hey do you want to put a link in your profile it'll help you to make passive income online if anybody clicks on it they can say yes so they'll be promoting an existing product called shot monopoly now let's say they promote that product and someone purchases shop monopoly it's actually you that will get the affiliate commissions for that product now they in turn are going to have other people selling shop monopoly and if that person is selling shot monopoly to other people they will get that commission now the upsell is if they buy the full system from you in which case they are then being what you previously were which is someone who's making commissions from everybody you're getting to sell this product then you will no longer make Commission's through them but you will make a commission from them buying the entire IG monetary system if that makes sense so bear with me because today I'm gonna go into it into more detail there's a full demo that is gonna explain this I think it's really unique and really awesome I've also supplemented it with some really cool bonuses that are going to help you get the most out of IG money tree boosts of that knowledge that I think everybody should have now with regards to how Instagram works and how to be as effective as you can on Instagram so before we get into all that it will really help me out you just drop a like on this video and if you want more updates like this more interesting ways for you to make money online hit subscribe and hit that notification now just quickly if you want to take a look at IG money tree or the bonus page in your own time simply click that link in the description that will just take you through to my bonus page I have my legal stuff up here my contact details if you run into any problems or if you have questions and how it works is is my bonus page is integrated with the IG money tree vendor sales page so if you click on any of these green buttons that will lock in all the bonuses I've gotten for you before you can then go off it will launch you off to the IG money tree then the page if you do purchase it then my bonuses and everything will be sent to you in one big bundle the first one I've gotten for you is called Instagram marketing secrets this is gonna go really well with IG money tree because it's the more knowledge you have on the platform you're using the better right so some things that this product goes into there's things you should never do when you're marketing on Instagram how to produce more Instagram content like you see your favorite influencer is always putting out content you're like how do they do that this is gonna go into that tips for better hashtags tips for growing your audience how to create a consistent account that is continually growing and continually putting out content how to also set up your Instagram business accounts how to do influencer marketing and how to you know succeed on Instagram without even taking a single photo if you don't want to if you don't feel your life is interesting or what you have to offer this in great advice here on curating content the second bonus I've gotten for you is social media income now usually these are given away individually but I've packed them all together and I'm giving them away all in one bundle sets of 5 part bonus when I saw a IG money tree I thought ok you're driving traffic from Instagram which is a great source of traffic but I think it would work on other social media platforms too the thing with different social media platforms is there is a nuance there is a way people use different platforms and a language etc that is used on this platform so it is slightly different but still there all the JIT sources to drive traffic you know I'm a fan of face book and I'm a fan of LinkedIn YouTube Pinterest and Instagram and they are the series are all modules I've gotten for you so you don't have to limit yourself to driving traffic through Instagram in order to succeed with IG money tree or you can succeed even more because you have more traffic sources the third bonus I've gotten for you is called simple social content now what this is going to do is really just hone in on content the best marketing online now is content marketing so you should know what effective content is what kind of content you should be putting out in order to separate yourself from everyone else so this goes into social content analyzing your audience going into interest groups finding your audience where do they hang out so you can stimulate that market and drive traffic to whatever you want them to go to in this case it's IG money tree but it doesn't have to be how to use powerful imagery powerful wording how to do things more effectively organizing your content and how to schedule content more effectively so honing in really gonna go hand-in-hand with not only AG money tree but all of the other bonuses as well the fourth bonus I've gotten for you again is going to build on the last couple of bonuses and really hone in on Instagram stories Instagram stories in a way is like its own social media platform it has all the hallmarks of it you use it differently than you would your normal Instagram and there are things you can do on it think she can take advantage of this is gonna turn you into an expert essentially on Instagram stories not many people are good at it but you do get more viewership actually on your stories than you do on your normal page so and more also people who view your stories tend to be more targeted and more interested in you and those are the people you want to communicate with so this is really gonna help you out with Instagram stories the next bonus I've gotten for you is storytelling marketing and this is gonna really help you be more effective on whatever social media platform you're on or what you're using to drive traffic storytelling marketing is a generally new idea but it's the modern idea as far as how you should be content marketing people love stories and people are finding more and more that storytelling through your marketing builds trust better than any other method of marketing and it ganas are following that stays interested in what you have to offer better than any other method of marketing so a couple of nuggets that you can get out of this that I found was the art of storytelling just how to do it what are the elements of a good story creating stories that then sell okay or drive traffic direct people to what you want them to do as well as what what you want them to buy as well also how to inspire and motivate through your stories and some effective storytelling hacks so this is a new product came out this month I got my hands on it I think it's going to help you out so if that all sounds good to you again click the link in the description you'll come through to my bonus page you click on these links that will send you off to the vendor sales page which looks like this and I recommend you going through the vendor sales page checking out more details info on IG money tree looking at testimonials there are some real good ones and having a look at the demo seeing what's on offer and really just helping you to make a more informed decision if you do decide to purchase it will be sent to you along with all my bonuses that you previously just locked and you'll be sent a digital receive that looks like this or you can access your purchase through warrior plus calm again under the green button will be a G money tree under the blue button will be the bonuses you can access everything immediately word of warning though this is a launch week special any discount pricing you see all of these bonuses are exclusive to my link in the description to keep your eye on this countdown timer because when it runs down everything will go back up to normal pricing so I do recommend you get in on this sooner than later and gaxx as to all that value again if you have any problems my emails down here I do reply to everybody so for now we're gonna get into a demo from one of the creators of IG money tree I recommend being patient and watching all the way through I think you'll be intrigued I think you're fine really interesting and clever and I'm really excited for you to see it so let's check it out let's imagine a guy named Bob sees your IgM T VIP website link on Instagram so he clicks on it and this is the first page he'll be taken to the first page of your IgM T VIP website your funnel now this first page is the IgM T signup page obviously pretty straightforward Bob watches your professional video presentation here and is prompted to sign up for i GM t for free through your site as he signs up his email address is added to a downloadable file here inside your VIP member area and you can download this file periodically to get all your email contacts to download all your email contacts you can contact people through gmail for free you know all these people whose emails you download you can import them to an autoresponder how will you contact them is ultimately up to you and as a side note if you happen to purchase our email money squeeze package you can actually automate the process of capturing email leads and have them sent straight into your autoresponder account an autoresponder account such as Aweber now moving on we'll assume Bob decides to sign up for free - I GMT and y1 knee he's just watch your video presentation showing how I GMT can build his Instagram following largely on autopilot and has learned how he'll then be able to make money with that Instagram following now here's the second page of your I GMT website funnel that Bob will see on this page Bob is prompted to simply enter his Instagram account username and a button is included so that Bob can open up Instagram to check what his username is if he doesn't recall so again very straightforward he'll enter his IG account username and click the link to continue to the next page of your IG MT website now this is a very special page it's one of the ingenious viral features of your IG MT VIP funnel there are nine Instagram pages on this page as you'll see or nine buttons leading to nine different Instagram pages that your visitor is required to follow so nine different Instagram pages that your visitor required to follow now of course following an Instagram account is free and only takes a moment so your visitor will click each button here to open each Instagram page and click again to follow each page so they'll spend roughly you know a minute or two on this page to follow each account but here's what's really interesting about this there's this new visitor and signup of yours Bob gets his own free version I GMT website like I discussed this same page will of course be shown to his visitors and guess what your Instagram page will always appear in the number nine position right here on this page so everybody that joins a GMT through Bob's free version site will be joining your Instagram page live they'll be following you on Instagram in other words the people that they refer will also be joining your Instagram page so Bob's referrals and then the people that they refer will be joining your Instagram page are you starting to get the picture here as an IG MT VIP member your slot on this page is locked it's static and permanent for everybody who joins your network so to speak so as you can imagine this can effectively lead to endless unlimited Instagram followers for you most of them coming in obviously on autopilot from the work of your free version I GMT referrals like Bob now the same thing is not true for free version members their Instagram pages are not static or their Instagram slots on this page so to speak are not static without going into the super nanny they're still able to build an autopilot following on Instagram but not to the same degree you are not as fast as you are as a VIP member so they'll indeed still have plenty of incentive to share their IG MT websites with others you know to refer others but remember the primary benefits all go to you and the ability to build in unlimited Instagram following is another huge benefit of yours and that all happens through this page but I've saved the best for last so let's move on through your phone now this page is simply an interim page that tells your new I GMT member your new referral new signup that they now have an eye EMT website of their very own that they can use to start building a profitable following on Instagram which it seems everybody on their mother's and cousins and third cousins want to do these days and largely on autopilot thanks to IgM T's built-in viral system so now they'll click Bob in this case we'll click to continue and we'll land on a page called the secret step page now this page is where visitors such as Barbara your new sign up Bob in this case will have the option of monetizing his free version I GMT website by activating the built in product for Commission's the built in product is called shop monopoly and commissions of up to three hundred twenty dollars a pop now the catch is that Bob in this case has to order the built in product in order to activate it within his free version I GMT funnel and don't worry the video on this page explains everything in ultra simple terms so that Bob and you know all your referrals will know exactly what to do how to monetize they're instructed to purchase the featured product shot monopoly they're then instructed to log in to shop monopoly right after they purchase to get a secret three digit activation code and then they're instructed to simply enter that code on this page which will unlock their I GMT free version websites and abling them to earn Commission's on the built in product as well now don't worry as a VIP member you are already activated for Commission's on this page you're activated for the secret step in other words no need to order the product no needed order shop monopoly so that's another benefit that you have that comes with your VIP membership and here's what that means and how that benefits you let's imagine that your visitor and now new a GMT free member sign up Bob does decide to go ahead and activate the secret step as I've just described if and when he does so you will be sent the Commission's resulting from his order but now what if Bob does not activate the secret step in that case Bob's free version I GMT website will remain hard-coded with or affiliate link for the featured product shop monopoly did you catch what I just said his website will stay hard-coded will have your affiliate link within his site will be hard-coded with your affiliate link for the featured product shot monopoly in which case you will once again get commission on all of his IG MT referrals who activate the secret step literally all of them so let's say Bob does not activate the secret step he refers sue and he refers Dave and he refers Doug and you know a couple of those people decide to activate the secret step who's going to get the Commission's on those activations on those people who buy shot monopoly you will so Bob could refer you know a hundred people or you know even more to the secret step and you'd get Commission's on all of those people and the same is true for every free version member they refer into a GMT you'll either make a direct Commission when they activate the secret step or if they do not activate the secret step your affiliate link will remain hard-coded into their websites meaning you will make the commission off of their work or their efforts their referrals so you literally cannot lose and this is how I GMT the IG money tree system sets you up for unlimited potential autopilot commissions and I do consider them true autopilot commissions since they result from the work of your i GM t free version member referrals as I've described now finally your visitor Bob knew sign up at this point is taken into his own free version IgM team member area which is what you're looking at now and here Bob is shown to his free version I GMT website and to his training and he's given the same action steps that you'll actually find in your VIP membership so that Bob too is motivated to take action by referring others and as he does take action you obviously will benefit from his effort exactly as I've gone through this is simply an amazing system and as a VIP member you stand to reap the major benefit in the form of email leads Instagram followers and affiliate Commission's with much of your results coming in on autopilot as mentioned now to get set up there are just two very quick things you must do and these take a grand total of around 60 seconds of work quote-unquote if you want to even call it that first you'll need to enter your own Instagram page username it's very important you get this username right or you'll lose you know all those Instagram followers because they'll be following some you know dead page or some page that's not yours so go to your Instagram page to remind yourself of what your IG username is if needed and then enter it here if you don't have an Instagram account simply open one for free it's a no-brainer and it only takes a moment then the second step is to simply enter and save your affiliate link for the six-figure product built into your I GMT VIP website and the name of this product once again is shot monopoly and it pays up to three hundred twenty dollars in commissions to you for every visitor who buys depending on what upgrades they take or they order now all Commission's you make are sent by warrior plus so they'll end up in your warrior plus account free warrior Plus account the same service that you use to pay for your IG money treat VIP membership so the affiliate link that you're getting is generated by warrior pluses platform warrior plus calm and is used to track sales of shop monopoly which yet again is the product built into your I GMT VIP website and actually all GMT websites if you're already familiar with how to get a warrior Plus affiliate link for a given product great you'll know what to do but if not no problem there is a video that will appear when you click this button that will walk you right through how to retrieve enter and save your warrior + / shot monopoly affiliate link then once you're done our system automatically heart codes your affiliate link into the entire system meaning it's automatically embedded into your I GMT VIP website and also into the websites of your I GMT free version member referrals so everybody there's and there's nothing left for you to do after entering your i G username and affiliate link right here as far as setup so it's you know we're literally talking as some total of about 60 seconds of work which I think you can handle now from there you're just going to be following our action steps right here and on that note feel free to watch the little quick quick start video that you see here this video is the same one that your free version members will also see in their member areas and will be able to watch they do not see this video meaning the video that you're watching right now this video is for you as a VIP member only so again your free version members will never see this particular video now if you're an IG MT VIP member who has also ordered one or more of our powerful upgrades then you'll want to scroll down and click on the upgrade status link right here which will take you to the page for your upgrades and we'll walk you through whatever upgrades you purchased and show you how to set them up that's if there is any setup it depends on which upgrade you've ordered some of them don't have any setup and there you have it your main income system components by the way are all conveniently located on this single page you've got your training video here at the top obviously your one and done setup form is right below and then you've simply got your I GMT website link the link that you want to share with others daily and your action steps and that's it the action steps by the way show you both free and autopilot ways to get traffic to your I GMT website now some of the steps are autopilot some are semi autopilot and then some require some effort on your part and some of the action steps are actually one time steps meaning you just do them once and you're done while others can actually be repeated to get more and more traffic to your I GMT site now the more action steps that you complete and the more repeatable action steps that you repeat the more results you're going to get obviously it's really as simple as that you can indeed run the system on autopilot by implementing for example the first action step assuming you're fairly active with your Instagram page as far as posting and following others because that will generate exposure and visitors to your Instagram profile page which will in turn result in clicks on your IG money tree website link that you set up on your Instagram page per the first action step but I would strongly encourage you to do more than just the first action step to really expedite and maximize your results and income potential with this awesome system now hopefully you can see the quality work and thought that's gone into I GMT this is the culmination of years of watching successful viral systems like this one but with IG money tree being the best of these by leaps and bounds alright I hope you enjoyed that demo you can probably see now why it was kind of difficult for me to encompass it in a in a quick word at the beginning of this video but I hope you do understand how it works now the pricing as far as that goes the front end is $20 one-time payments and you do only need the front end in order to access all the bonuses there are upgrades to the front end and the first one is auto income switch upgrade this instantly activates the IG money treat viral built-in deep funnel which explodes the Bairro morality of the software producing leads followers and affiliate commissions at a higher rate the next upgrade is called email money squeeze upgrade this is going to save you a bit of time and this allows the user to double your profitability by just also capturing those emails so in the video you saw that the emails are sent to your account and then you can download them and put them into your you know get response or by MailChimp autoresponder or whatever you're using this will do that on autopilot so when you do start getting a lot of leads this is gonna really help you out you don't have to go through that manual or daesh's process of transferring leads over to your mailing list the final upgrade is a high to get mobile upgrade for 197 ads a high ticket $500 per cell revenue stream through the viral funnel and yeah this will be available to you so you know really if you get one sale of this $500 product that's going to be really well and it is a high converting product so it's not like you have to create your own everything is you know done as much for you as possible by IG money tree a ton of value in the upgrades but even just a ton of value in the front end when you consider that you're getting all of those bonuses thrown in as well I do recommend you check it out risk-free because there is a 30-day full money-back guarantee as well if you do have further questions or concerns do feel free to hit me up in the comment on social media or in my email I do reply to absolutely everybody and try to give you as much help as I can otherwise enjoy IG money tree I'm interested to know how it goes for you I hope you love the bonuses as well and I'll see you again on the next video take care
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