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Contents now the beauty of that is if we're ever going to get to individualized medicine cannabis is ideal because um you know if you have the right components it can be extremely versatile in treating countless disorders because it's tapping into the endocannabinoid system which is the major homeostatic regulator or physiology, in other words, it's the thing that keeps in balance all of our bodily functions that's what creates the versatility it's not some psychological thing that makes it good for so many different illnesses great and uh speaking Buy Terpenes of you know innovations with terpenes cannabinoids formulations uh what promise do you see in combining terpenes.
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And cannabinoids with other herbs nootropics and even medicinal mushroom extracts you know lion's mane cordyceps turkey tail uh all the uh all the fun the fungal kingdom and what's possible and and how can those synergize together well again i'm a believer in botanical medicine um and as it turns out cannabis combines well both with conventional medicine and other botanicals a second disclaimer i am working with cookies they have a line of products called cap spike cookies that do combine cannabinoids with terps and with medicinal mushrooms and from what i understand people seem to like them but cannabis among other things is an herb and a good herbalist will often use multiple different.
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Agents when we're dealing with complex diseases it's often not enough to use one agent often we have to think of multiple different things and um so these combinations often um can make a lot of sense yeah and there's a whole wide network of possible innovations and opportunities when you're looking at the wider botanical and fungal world and are you working on any studies yourself right now and and any fun studies out there that you can learn about that are within terpenes and in the cannabis world yeah sure uh most germane would be the work uh that we're doing uh with ryan vandra at johns hopkins in baltimore we're doing a series of studies to look at cannabinoid terpenoid combinations to try to demonstrate synergy and these would be done under lab conditions uh where people be double blind in other words um the people participating won't know what they're getting exactly on the people who are giving it won't know what they're getting exactly um but we do before and after testing memory and other cognitive mental functions um to show salient differences so the studies are underway and i hope that they will serve to support uh synergy and the concept of the entourage effect great one of our listeners dr brian sanderoff is over there in baltimore i'm sure he's dropped a few questions in the chat but we'll get