0r how respiratory ailments endanger good looks The holiday season may have the negative ability to be very cold on our latitudes, but we are certainly willing to forgive it because of the richness of scents that makes our senses. Cinnamon, roasted apples, pumpkin, mandarins, wine-romance through the nostrils to warm up the heart and remind us that the most wonderful days of the year are coming. Well, for this purpose, it is necessary for the organ of smell to work in full force - an extremely difficult mission in the months of colds, influenza and viral infections in which we are used to almost every day to drag the hat, shawl and ... the cold. Usually for the rapid relief of symptoms we are accustomed to relying on nasal drops. A little known fact, however, is that most of them are made on a synthetic basis and should not be used for more than 7 days as they can lead to nasal mucosal atrophy. Therefore, herbal preparations with proven effectiveness in both acute and chronic inflammatory processes are becoming more and more important in the treatment of cold and sinusitis. The advantage of phytoprotects is that they do not just help to suppress the symptoms (clogged or running nose), but also have an effect on the causative agent - ie. can treat the disease. Another important advantage is that, because they are plant-based preparations, they carry a much lower risk of side effects and can therefore be used for a long time, The products of the Sinulan series of WALMARK are entirely created on the basis of herbal extracts with proven beneficial effects. For clean sines, a nasal nose ... and a beautiful face It's no pleasure to put on your new coat, your latest boots, and instead of walking in the streets, holding a handkerchief in your hand and wondering how to conceal your red and swollen nose that makes you resemble something on the middle clown and snowman. There is a magic herb that will help you regain your relaxed nose and self-esteem - andropograms paniculata. It is the millennial plant popular in the Scandinavian countries and the Middle East as a powerful means of nature for colds, fever and upper respiratory tract infections. This precious ingredient, along with 4 proven effective herbs, can be found at the Sinulan Forte . The synergistic combination of extracts in Sinoulan Forte also includes the well-known black elderberry, yellow gentian, vellum and verbena color. These herbs have long been proven in natural medicine: the black elderberry leaves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral activity, so it is often used in upper respiratory tract infections. Tunic and verbena contribute to the immune system and help with high temperature. And lopin - a not so popular herb, but very important - softens and liquefies the secretions, helping them to take them out of the airways. Herbal extracts in the Sinulan Forte help to repel the nose mucosa, reduce the weight around the eyes and ease breathing. For a weak nose, clean bronchus and ... a tender voice For men, the warm and tender sexy voice acts like a magnet and is definitely a red dot in your asset. However, if you have solved the problem of "red nose" at the expense of the screaming hoarse voice, your chances of being highly rated are not great. The female voice must be confident and fascinating, and the first condition is undoubtedly good health and the absence of any discomfort that spoils this impression, such as coughing. Therefore, to breathe calmly, to have healthy lower airways and a fascinating timbre, we also advise you to trust the properties of horseradish and latin. As well as these two herbs have a strong antibacterial effect, they are also natural mucolytics - they help to clear the secretions from sinuses and bronchi. And in combination with a black elderberry color, yellow gentian, verbena and lollipop (we told you about them a little earlier) help further for the normal operation of upper and lower respiratory tract. The good news is that in these cold days you do not have to go for herbs in the woods. All 6 extracts are contained in the "Sinulan Duo Forte "- with double action for upper and lower respiratory tract. For a calm, breathable and ... happy child No child is happy when ill. Even less are his parents happy. This means lack of energy, fewer games with friends and sitting closed. For childhood happiness, unlike adults, a single condition is needed - health. All the other prerequisites children can and create themselves. They build towers, embody brave heroes, turn into beautiful princesses - no claims, no fear, no complexes. For kids in kindergarten, even in the first grades of school, it seems quite normal to live with the fever weeks and sometimes even for months. In addition to the power of andrographia, flax and verbena (wonderful herbs for the upper part of the respiratory system), gentle care for children is needed with a gentle, but also a safe action on the lower respiratory tract, such as the medulla and lime. This whole bouquet of herbs can be found in the syrup with a wonderful strawberry flavorSinulan Forte Junior , enriched with biotin and vitamin C. In addition to taking care of the baby's nasal discharge, clean sinus and bronchi, the Sinulan Forte Junior is suitable for the normal condition of the throat, larynx and vocal cords, and the added biotin cares for good mucous membranes . All-natural product (no artificial colors, sweeteners, aspartame). With the scent of cinnamon… Winter can indeed be very cold, clingy and depressing, but we, at least, have it at our latitudes. So instead of desperate (because of the worsened and reddened look or not the happy look of our child), we have to accept it in its fullness of whiteness and glamor, to enjoy it because of all the magic it brings with the holidays in it and to I enjoy it, embraced by its warm aromas ...
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