It's A BOY!!!
It has taken 41 days for this butterfly to go through its complete lifecycle. Eleven (11) days ago, Lux-Mil formed his chrysalis. So he is pretty much right on time.
On average, it take 7-14 days for a butterfly to eclose from it's chrysalis. Yes, you read that right. That is not a typo. Eclose is the proper terminology for a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.
Lux-Mil has been camera shy since the day after he was born. He gave absolutely no indication that today would be his big debut. But hey, at least I got a few pictures before he flew off.
After a butterfly ecloses, they are ready to be released in about 2 to 3 hours.
Isn't he just gorgeous!?
Peace, Love, and Butterflies
I just now seen this 😿
He is a big boy now 💗