in #busy6 years ago

_ * In the Qur'an there are 12 types of heart that are sick & we must heal and we are healthy. * _

_What are the hearts that are sick according to the Qur'an ...? : _

_ * 1. Heart Disease: * _

_That is the heart that is afflicted with diseases such as doubt, hypocrisy and likes to satisfy lust in an unclean manner.

_ * "So that people want disease in their hearts." * _
_ (QS.al-Ahzab: 32) ._

_ * 2. Blind heart.

_ That is a heart that cannot see and find the truth.

_ * "For verily it is not the eyes that are blind, but those who are blind are the hearts that are in the bosom."
_ (QS. Al-Hajj: 46) ._

_ * 3. A negligent heart: * _

_ That is the heart that is negligent from the Qur'an. Because it is too busy with misleading worldly things and lust.

_ * "Their hearts are negligent." * _
_ (QS.al-Anbiya: 3) ._

_ * 4. A sinful heart.

_ That is the heart that covers the testimony of a truth.

_ * "And do not (witnesses) hide the testimony. And whoever conceals it, then surely he is a sinner of his heart." * _
_ (QS.al-Baqarah: 283) ._

_ * 5. Arrogant heart.

_ That is a proud heart and is reluctant to acknowledge the Essence of God. He arbitrarily commits tyranny and hostility.

_ * "Thus Allah locked the heart of an arrogant and arbitrary person." * _
_ (QS. Ghafir: 35) ._

_ * 6. A rough heart.

_Yes, a heart that has no love and mercy.

_ * "If you are being tough again with a rough heart, they will certainly distance themselves from your surroundings." * _
_ (QS.Ali Imran: 159) ._

_ * 7. Locked heart: * _

_ That is a heart that does not want to listen to the guidance and is reluctant to contemplate it.

_ * "And Allah has locked the hearing and his heart to death." * _
_ (QS.al-Jatsiyah: 23) ._

_ * 8. Hard heart :*_

_ That is a heart that cannot be overcome by faith. Cannot be affected by advice and warning. And he turned away from remembering Allah.

_ * "And we made their hearts hard to petrify." * _
_ (QS.al-Maidah: 13) ._

_ * 9. Negligent heart: * _

_That is the heart that refuses to remember God and prioritizes lust rather than obedience to Him.

_ * "And do not follow those whose hearts we have neglected from remembering us."
_ (QS.al-Kahfi: 38) ._

_ * 10. Closed heart: * _

_ That is a heart that is closed so that it cannot be penetrated by the verses of Allah and the words of the Prophet.

_ * And they said: "Our hearts are closed". * _
_ (QS.al-Baqarah: 88) ._

_ * 11. A distant heart (from the truth): * _

_ That is a heart that deviates far from the light of truth.

"The people who are in their hearts are inclined to error."
_ (QS.Ali Imran: 7) ._

_ * 12. A doubtful heart: * _

_ That is the heart that is always tossed around by doubts.

_ "" Those who will ask permission from you are only those who have no faith in Allah and the day after, and their hearts are in doubt, therefore they are always hesitant in their doubts.
_ (QS.at-Taubah: 45) ._

_ * 💔 These are the 12 types of heart that are sick according to the Qur'an. * _

_ Hopefully our hearts are protected from these 12 types. Because of that multiply pray;

_ * 🤲 "Yes, muqollibal qulub tsabbit qolbi 'ala dibik" = "You are turning the heart over and over. Set our hearts above your religion." * _

_ * Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin ..... * _

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