Halo sateemian friend how are you friend.....now i wil talling you about the morning of Flower..
Flower or flower (Latin: flos) is a sexual reproduction tool in flowering plants (divisio Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae, "covered seed plants"). In flowers there are reproductive organs, namely stamens and pistils.
Flowers can appear singly or together in a series. The interest that comes together is called a compound interest or inflorescence. In some species, compound interest may be regarded as a single (flower) interest, for example in Anthurium and sunflower. The unit of interest that composes a compound interest is called a floret.
Botanically, flowers are part of the plant to produce seeds. Pollination and fertilization take place on flowers. After fertilization, the flowers will grow further forming the fruit. In flowering plants, the fruit is the structure that carries and protects the seeds.
great photographic......
Thank friend
thank friend...