What if... Spork - Steem without SteemIt, Inc

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I fell in love with the idea of Steem and I am still in love with the idea of Steem.

The actual implementation though isn't that pretty and seems to be failing.

What if we could start a new experiment and you were not forced to walk away from everything you have built here?

What if everything you built here could move to a site that feels the same, but functions differently. Better!

What if all decisions were stake-based, but with a much better distribution and tools for determining what the community wants via stake-based voting.

What if we recreated the STEEM economy in a SCOT?

What if every account was copied to this new place with all of your current holdings. 1:1

How about if we SPORK out SteemIt, Inc and Freedom. (Without touching their current stake)

What if we undo the Ninja-Mine and the harm it has done.

The stake in those accounts would be airdropped to a fund to be used for community-driven funding of improvements for the front-end, marketing, and real rewards for those working on training, onboarding and support.

What if the allocation of those funds was a paid position?

What if this new community respected the effort you put in to help build the site and rewarded you for it.

Things we could build:

A new trending page, better features, a nice UI.

Funds for a support desk, training and onboarding

Better curation and more control over content.

What if the downvotes were revamped to require more agreement before graying out a post.
What if the downvoted rewards went to the development fund, along with current witness fees to provide continued sustainable support to be competitive with Dan's new site?

A real marketing budget to create a vision and promote it with professional marketing pointed at gaining mainstream users.

Imagine the stake weights without those top four accounts. What have they brought us? A downvote button and wallet that functions oddly.

What if we could experiment with that and never leave the Steem Blockchain?

What else can you imagine?

What if we could fork out SteemIt, Inc, without a Fork

Let's Spork them out! I called it a SPORK as it is a FORK, but it doesn't touch anyone's current stake it just creates a new economy that people can choose or not. so, it is a gentle FORK without harm.

Let's talk about a SPORK.



Seriously I won't think and talk about this at the moment! I am glad those accounts still hold SP, so market price is still hang around $0.4 at the moment!
If we see things without those 4 whale accounts, things can be complicated! I mean your token DRAMA will get more attention coz of battle for the power by others! So this is better and I wish to see SMT hits the ground and that might be the only thing I wanna think at the moment!


Resteemed and upped for extra eyes.

Just wipe out every POW block and the ongoing effects of them, this ensures distribution issue is resolved entirely.

Adbot / Bidbot revenue could be used to directly reward stake and shareholders, and allow a float of that setup via the frontend and token market. Allow realworld money to flow into the environment via fiatpayment for advertisement and promotional services potentially improving the situation for all stakeholders. You could allow this to be disbursed in token of choice depending on stake/share, and automated/enforced/computed properly via the smartcontracts.

Could decentralize fully the governance, allowing superblocks and proposal schema, perhaps also allowing the, some, or the multiple paid positions higher up to have a veto privilege to prevent abuse. (decentralizing that power further and allowing voting on it with full transparency via the chain would be ideal) Think of it like transferring authorization but it allows or denies a certain proposal going into the block and funds being allocated automatically.

You can set up disbursement rates and everything within a schema like this. Allowing ongoing funding of projects, or funding to be terminated if a project goes rogue, keeping the power in the hands of the staked users/entities and one would hope, ensuring operations are maintained in good faith from the developmental and service orientated community members/corps/communities.

Hope this all made sense!
Feel free to query for further clarification.

At this point it is an idea that I wanted to float and see who is interested and there would be many details to figure out.

I would lean away from wiping POW stake.

@whatsup sounds like a BTC to BCH fork... one becomes two and each users have reasons to choose one or the other. But no harm was done #pypt

Posted using Partiko Android

has this happened before @solominer? I'd be interested in hearing more details! competition is great - but competitions where no harm is done??? sounds fascinating! if you write more - please do tag me on that comment so i can come back and read what you say to @whatsup :)

@dreemsteem happened with other coins, like bitcoin cash.. or ethereum classic.

Posted using Partiko Android

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A spork is a spoon with small fork-like tines, not to be confused with the splade, which is similar but also has a dull blade on an edge. Both are relatively old terms and the splade used to be considered quite fancy (according to my mother).

I don't think you need to discuss this idea though, you can just do it as it doesn't require consensus from the top20. You can distribute your token in the same way without the top 4 accounts staked and used that amount of your SCOT token to pay for whatever you choose.

Of course, it would mean that the token would have to hold some worthwhile value eventually for people to take it as payment to have things like a real marketing budget, which likely requires it being listed on numerous exchanges with volume, but it is possible. As far as a better Trending, UI and the like, that is all possible now and better curation? What would that look like - that is playing around with the economics which is possible here too.

I don't think this is overly helpful or useful though and in a young industry it seems that the only response anyone has to not getting their way is forking in various capacities. I think that having that stake sitting there has had a stabilizing effect in the infancy and while it is slowly sold off it eventually gets replaced organically. By removing those top accounts, it puts many of those who have have power now (just not as much) in more control with many of them being the largest abusers on the platform. Maybe that is the point?

This is a variation of the "fork out Steemit" conversation and seems driven by the same group of proponents.

I don't think you need to discuss this idea though, you can just do it as it doesn't require consensus from the top20

No, I don't need to just curious what the interest level would be.

in more control with many of them being the largest abusers on the platform. Maybe that is the point?

The top 4 accounts hold close to 60% there is no one else close to that? I'm sure you are better at math than that? I am also pretty sure those that you are thinking of wouldn't be interested or could do it with out my interests.

This is a variation of the "fork out Steemit" conversation and seems driven by the same group of proponents

Wow? Really? Are you seriously that defensive for steem? I wrote several times about how I would never consider supporting such a thing.

If you get this defensive over a discussion which doesn't have anything to do with any Proponants...? it only a discussion and frankly I'm pretty stunned and a smidge butthurt over where you went with this. It was enlightening though.

Most of the stake that Steemit has had has never voted. misterdelegation has gone out to Dapps -that is centralization of some kind but they are also the largest distributors and have grown the ecosystem.

This is a variation on the fork and many people who said they wouldn't were still keen to discuss doing it. it is political maneuvering to sway public opinion. People do as they do, regardless of whether they know much or not.

I am not defensive in the slightest, I just gave my opinion on how I see things. For a token to have value it has to have demand in various ways and be listed on various exchanges to have that. to use it for marketing purposes requires that value as a marketing company probably doesn't want crypto, let alone one that isn't worth much. It might be possible to convince users to be a support desk though but then, that is much like @steemonboarding or many of the discord communities are doing now. This would just centralize the support function.

Most of the benefits you mention are possible to have now, including the changing of the economy and distribution, something you have publicly said you are not in favor of as you want Communities and SMTs first. What you are proposing is economical to improve communities so, why not support it on Steem now?

Why not

This sounds defensive :P

Why not support Steem now?

That was not the question: why not support it on Steem now?
It was about the changes in the curve, DV pool etc...

There is nothing wrong with this idea you put forward, it is that it doesn't offer much that can't be done on Steem already other than the large staked 4. When it comes to that stake going to a funding pool, it then has to have value which means it takes time also. Once it has value, it needs to be sold. Who in the community would want to have it dumped at the highs? one of the criticisms of Stinc was not dumping the stake at the highs to fund the lows but if they had, who would have been happy as it would have brought the price down even faster and all those who did sell, would have made less?

This idea can be done quite easily with soe devs who recalculate the pool and distribute to the posts on Steem as they are now with the new token. On some platforms, that token will be the only one used. If it gains in popularity and demand and people don't dump it, it should build in value until that large pool part has value too and can be used for onboarding and marketing etc. This all takes time also and I am not sure if it would be much faster than another 3 years. Worth the attempt though but unless the economics is quite different, it will still have the same community with the same habits and likely, the same issues.

should i edit? :D

edit: now you see how slow I type.

Hey, @whatsup.

Okay, I give. I tried looking it up and the explanation I found went over my head. So, what's a SPORK. And more importantly, how is it so materially different from a hardfork, the discussion of which caused the kerfuffle earlier in the year?

You also said it wouldn't affect Steemit and Freedom's stake, but then you say the STEEM in those accounts could be airdropped into a fund.

So, I'm kind of confused at what we're going for here on that.

Also, doesn't their SP, even if it's not doing anything, help with the reward pool somehow? And why are we all of a sudden totally against Steemit Inc.? I thought you were actually saying people shouldn't be so mad at the new direction Steemit Inc was taking since no harm has been done.

Am I missing something here?

So, that is really important feedback, because I am not sure what others would understand and you've given me a feel for it.

Oh and we made up the word SPORK, to get the idea across, but not scare anyone into a power down. (ned) lol.
The "FORK GATE" threatened to create a fork of STEEM that removed Steemit, Inc's stake. Gone... no more.

What this does would be to create a NEW economy, even run it right here on steem. We would drop everyone their stake in new SPORK tokens. Only SteemIt Inc's top 4 accounts would turn into a foundation for growth.

So, we aren't taking anything from them, but the idea is those who wanted to experience a social media site, would not have to start from scratch to rebuild.. They could move with their current status and stake. (everyone would still own their own Steem)

Okay, so, I got the part of everyone having their own stake, except when you say the top four accounts would end up as a foundation. Is that something they do of their own free will, or just something that happens because of the SPORK?

And I'm not sure why those four are the only ones being singled out. Has it ever been confirmed who the Freedom account belongs to? Ned's on record saying he and Dan don't know. Folks have investigated but haven't been able to figure it out conclusively. Unless that's happened more recent than several months ago when I last checked.

It sounds like to me that this is meant to put the largest stake accounts that some might feel aren't doing enough with it into an account where it can do good, which doesn't sound like it's still their stake after that.

This is a NEW stake pool. It doesn't touch the old stake pool.

The freedom account is not confirmed, but it does control the witnesses.

Those four are being singled out because they control 60% of Steem and the hardforks and what gets rewarded and they earned their stake in a poorly executed mine.

Since this is all NEWLY created the only point in doing it would be to experiment with how the site functions without that stake's influence.

Nothing regarding STEEM changes. (Except maybe people would rather invest in spork)

I'm pretty sure Taco Bell made up the word spork SPLINGER now, that’s ours.

Curation matters and so does the ability to talk about things that some wouldn't like. It's important to balance that.

I agree with balance. We should always strive to be open minded enough to allow controversy. If we shun that which we do not agree with, we can never GROW.

Pimped it in PYPT, with the following:

"A post by @whatsup, literally getting people to “THINK OUT OF THE BOX” about many a thing, including how our Steem blockchain can be utilized in many different ways than what we have all become accustomed to.

I think that these types of posts are very important for all Steemians, especially those who are stuck on blogging and don’t see further than that. Causing stagnation in many areas as such and in the competitive market of crypto, that is one of the worst things that can happen.
No matter what the topic at hand, “Thinking out of the box” needs to be provoked so that we can move forwards and be proactive and constructive.

This post definitely does that.

Rather than me talk about the post, read it, comment on it and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS.


:beer: "

& that is all I have to say about that!

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

Hi jackmiller the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
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Gonna curate it early. @Whatsup drama should be updated so the people who report dramatic posts early get mire drama.


Posted using Partiko Android

:) lol, I'm out here trying to earn DRAMA. No, I just want to talk about the potential off SCOT tokens while discussing an idea.

It might be about time - now who is "we" again?

If the remaining 10 actual people start learning more from the bots than the bots are learning from flagging each other, WE could have some serious issues to work out with ourselves...


Who was "we" again?

Whoever would want to participate.

I long for the "more control over content" part

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