US Politics Rant
Election Results and the Press Conference Today:
I dislike both parties equally, and I can not understand who still believes in this circus.
I blame Citizens United and corporate money, combined with our Mainstream Media which is owned and run by those same Corporations.
Yet, I watched the Press Conference this morning with total disgust for the "journalists" and their Outrageous Behavior.
Even if you strongly dislike Trump you are still responsible for your own conduct and decorum.
It's gross and I can't understand who is still taking this circus seriously.
Let's look at ine current issue...
The group of people Marching towards our border...
On one Station the narrative is they are evil scary people coming to Rape, Pillage and take jobs. Scary Boogie Men.
On another Station, the narrative is they are poor tired refugees who need our help and the Boogie Man is Trump. He and anyone who supports him are racists and by not saving these poor, poor sad people, you are an evil racist. Shame on you!
The truth is they are likely a mixture of people some who would and wouldn't make good future citizens and our Politicians on both sides of the aisle, refuse to really address Immigration laws because it is a such a hot topic for making the people fight, and offering you a reason to pick a side.
Are you all so lost in the argument that you don't see that you are consuming a different set of information? (purposely divisive) Some of you are now fighting with your friends and family over people you don't know and don't really know their motives, does this make sense to you?
I no longer will give my voice or energy to fighting with friends, family and fellow Americans to raise ratings for the TV/News Stations or will I pretend to believe in the various narratives and maybe when more turn it off, the trend will die out.
It is such a waste of time isn't it?
People try and engage me in political discussions and get offended when I say, "I really don't give a shit!" There is not a shred of humanity left in those puppets who rise to the biggest ballots anyhow. Even if there were, they are just a figurehead for a large group of self-serving rich folks who are pandering to the corporations and impassionately milking the sheep.
I do vote because the solution in part would be everyone making their voice heard through the democratic process is slightly better than leaving it entirely in their hands.
Having to make the choice between a pile of shit and a neat stack of turds is crappy no mater how you look at it.
When you wake up and realize that this democracy charade is just an illusion, then you might see change. Until then, standing up in line to "vote" won't make a single difference to the status quo.
having to make a choice between a pile of shit and turds..
haha, perfect.
I like the Republican party but not most of the elected Republican traitors. Trump seems to be doing OK but I wish he would cut military spending.
Yep, what you say is definitely true @whatsup. I don't care for Trump in the least. He is a bully but hopefully he and Pelosi can come together for our Nation. And start becoming more UNTIRED and UNITED.
I just don't see why we can't. He said some nice words about Pelosi so maybe that's a start. Iam willing to be totally open to anything at this point. The divisiveness gets real old.
P.S. Btw, I featured you in one of my throwback thursdays posts, you can go check out if you want. Nothing bad about you. Actually good ;)
It's just people trying to migrate to a better place (just like in Roman times). To bad we live a finite planet with limited resourses. If you keep walking, you eventually end up from where you started.
Am really surprised at the political behavior in US. It seems childish to me. I don't think that politics should be handled with emotions.
I expected more from the American politicians because it is America that founded democracy which the world is following and so they should show maturity in their political dealings.
Politics turned into a big reality show, what better to entertain?
exactly. 😀😁
It is beyond childish! It is also embarrassing that people can not manage their behavior.
Yah, I said that just to be polite. It is really embarrassing, even me that am not an American, am ashamed of their politicians behaviors.
Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! U.S. politics is a lot about super-rich elites fighting for control, aka best interests, of the, no, no...people, yes people!!! (lol!)
It is starting to look like that.
Lol...I'm a bit cynical.
In essence, it's better than that, really!
It's a case of selecting people who are deemed to have a voter's values at the base.
It's a good thing. We get a new POTUS every 4 or 8 years, due to term limits.
I am a proponent of term limits for all politicians.
Perhaps, someday it will be on the ballot.
I think it's important to vote; because, it is the most effective way to voice your opinion on how you want the nation to run...aka laws implemented, tax dollars spent.
Apathy is not acceptable. Complacency isn't either.
Thanks @yaanivapeji for chiming in!
But trolling people is soooooooooooooo much fun.
Yeah, I did that for a while too! I remember that it is pretty funny
I envy you guys for managing to hold peaceful elections. Where I come from, there has to be tribalism which usually translates to violence and unnecessary chaos. If we can argue via ballot boxes and online platforms, it would be the best thing ever.
Thank you @tezmel for recognizing this truth. As uncivilized as some appear, we do manage as a country to live 'harmoniously' with each other. I see it as God's Hand of protection.
That said, we have free will, and we teeter-totter on the edge of civil unrest; but, as long as the economy doesn't totally crash, I expect we, as a country, will be okay.
U.S. politics is a lot like sports. Two teams play against the other, one wins, and the voters of the other says 'next time' until the next election...Elections are an adrenaline rush; until they're over. And then, it becomes business as usual.
It's good to recognise what is there to be recognised. Your living 'harmoniously' with each other is felt during elections but it's also good to say that it's not always there. With this, I mean the racism... Which is more like 'classy' tribalism to me.
The world needs to heal.
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As with any nation, it's a choice.
Either you accept that we were all created by God, and we all bleed red, or foolishly believe that God created a skin color better than another's...
It's all a mindset, and nothing new under the sun. Racism is not limited to one race or other. There are racists in all races. As you might know, there is even racism within the races in some cases.
For the majority, people live amongst each other, free to be who they choose, in as mentioned, respectful harmony. I have to say that's a minuscule of what makes the U.S. a strong nation; and, should never be taken for granted.
Best regards.
That's interesting. It feels ridiculously not peaceful, but you make an excellent point!
I have seen hundreds get buried over it so to me your end is much better if you asked me.
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My solution is to place a None of the Above option on all ballots and redoing the election should 51% choose None of the Above.
This is a pretty good plan.
I live in San Diego- and they are like "build a wall!"- and I'm like "we already have one" I guess it was similar to past situation to East #Germany and present day #Israel - both w/ a #wall to keep out those from a neighboring area that is less economically prosperous. @angrytwin

This is what most of the "wall" along the border looks like.
The wall is being built emotionally. :) Let's fight with friends and neighbors for a bunch of people we don't even know.
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