ProActive Tips For Supporting Steem During A Bear Market

in #busy6 years ago


The Steem price is down and everyone is talking about it! In addition, BTC and the entire cryptomarket is taking a beating. Those of us who watch know that 2018 was a rough year for crypto investors. Yet, we have to keep 2018 in perspective. I bought my first Bitcoins in November of 2016 for $690. At the time @pfunk told me it was ridiculous to purchase at that price. (haha, I love to bring that up for some reason) That was only 2 years ago, so while 2018 has been a hard fall for many, Crypto is still outperforming most of my other investments.

No matter how we got here this is where we are:
At the time of this writing, Steem is sitting at $0.32 USD and .00008500 BTC

Bitcoin is at $3700 USD and we don't know if the fall is over yet or not.

What can we do?

*Don't Worry

If you aren't selling, don't worry too much about the Price, the price only matters on the day you sell. Look at the rest of the market and realize this is not an isolated Steem Price drop.


Steem is really affordable right now, Redfish accounts can become minnows for around $265 USD. Even smaller purchases can help build your stake and your influence.

*Stop Complaining

Steem Accounts should come with tissues, but negativity creates negativity. Stop your whining, moaning, and criticizing what everyone else is doing. Yes, the distribution is weak and the whales or ned might not be doing what you think they should, but at this point, we are where we are. We all have one person we can control, it is ourself and our own influence. If you own 10 Steem or 100k use you stake to the best of your ability to support the things you want to see grow. If you love an app support it, if you are a content focused user support the content that you like, focus on the good and grow it. Leave the rest alone.

*Use 100% Power Up on Posts

Right now we have too much SBD, the peg is broken and the blockchain continues to print more. It is a win/win situation to select 100% Power up on your posts. You will earn more as long as SBD is under $1.00 and the blockchain will not print additional SBDs.

*Remain Active

While the Post Payouts don't look that enticing, the amount of Steem you earn can actually be higher. I've earned .07 cent Steem and $8 Steem, once they are in my wallet they all look the same. Can you pick out which ones were earned at what price?

*Engage, Engage, Engage

People are upset and feeling fear, help calm everyone by showing up, engaging and building the strength of the community. I believe that active crypto projects with engaged communities will recover faster when the Market turns around. Make comments, continue to post and play a role in keeping the Steem applications active and busy!

We are a decentralized community regardless of the imbalances in Stake. No one is going to come and save us, or fix our problems or promote Steem. This job belongs to each StakeHolder, we are Steem.

Add your suggestions for surviving the bear markets..



Great little pep talk. I for one just opened an account for my wife.
Posted content that earned me more than any other post.
Take 2 hours almost every morning to reply to at least 10 posts with substantial comments
Have gained around 30 new followers within the last two weeks.
I have been keeping track of the steem, sbd and sp for the past 3 months
I just combine all the totals for each 30 day period.
1st recorded 30 day period combined total 25.654

2nd recorded period combined 27.78

3rd recorded period combined 45.217

This next 30 day period i am only two days in , and I have already earned a combined total of 17.87, with some pretty good posts still waiting to be paid out.

I plan on continuing to do my part, because 1 steem in the wallet
at .33 has the same potential of going up as 1 steem earned when the price was much higher.

In the movie Poseidan Adventure, 1972, with Gene Hackman playing a priest, one of my favorite lines he utters is, "the Lord Helps those that help themselves.
For me, that says it all.


I agree! I love what you are doing and how you are looking at it. I built this once exciting account pennies at a time. I've never had whale support I just kept posting and grinding. At it's peak, it was worth $94k. Can you imagine what it will be worth on the next bull run? :)

When it happens I would expect to see you with a grin on y😁😁😁our face as wide as mine.

I am engaging engaging engaging! I wish it might work!


I admire you so much.

I don't have any suggestions to add... I'm delusional and happy because I don't have a ton of fiat to drop right now, so low prices are what I need to get in at least a little! hehe yay!

I mean, I'm confident in steem and cryptos in general. So if it takes 5 years to go to the moon...I'm good with it.

These swings in price don't really bother me

I find I am quite happy we are getting some new buyers. I think the recovery might be slow... but it is just a guess. :) Glad you are buying and I also admire you... Outgoing, fun, talented. :) Whoot it takes all types.

I had once disappeared from Steemit for a month or two due to 'lack of good rewards and low prices' last year. We are currently going through the worst phase and I am going through hell personally but I am here. I may not be able to buy as I am already struggling to keep up with my bills but I am staying here.

I also may not be posting daily like I should be because I have to hustle but I will do my best when I can. WHY? Because I have realized even in this unpredictability, the community we've created and one that I have become a part of is my investment for a better future. And I need a brighter one!

My two cents...

Stay engaged as much as you are able!!

Will do ♡

Thank you for opening up these kinda discussions.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm worried and I haven't even bought any. lol
I hope this platform can survive.


Also: steemmonster cards are priced in dollars but you'll receive the sell in your wallet as STEEM. Guess what: more STEEM for your cards! (And yes, prices on the market seem to adapt a little to the price of STEEM, but not 1:1!)

An excellent post to be sure. The way that I look at it is that even if it takes STEEM a couple years to reach the moon, we will still be the first!

Very good ideas!

I think people need to post more when prices get low, not less. People are "taking breaks" and stuff like that now, making "see you later" posts. Everyone knows what's really up... they are bummed that there's not really much money to be made around here with Steem prices so low.

Even though deep down, they know that this is a longterm game. Just stock up on as much Steem as you can right now... think of this as almost another chance to get in at the beginning, when it was possible to become a whale with a reasonable investment.

One of the ways I built this account was posting while we were at .07 cents. Posting while the reward pool was broken. I just kept staying busy...


I'm only looking at one number right now and that's my SP. The payout number doesn't effect my plan to earn and power up as much STEEM as possible so even if the number looks small I know that the payout will be the same. Hopefully we do see $8 STEEM again at some stage but for now it's about taking advantage of the opportunity that this market has provided for all of us to either buy or earn STEEM a lot easier than it was when the prices were high.

I mentioned it on another post, but I made a lot of my steem while the price was .07cents! Whoot.

Nice, and that was early in the development so it was a great call to buy really. I'm waiting to see how low it goes this time as there is no sign of the drop slowing down. We might even head back towards the 10c mark yet. If it drops down that low i will be buying more too.

We will soon have a new group of energized dolphins!

It's looking that way anyway. There are a lot of new dolphins in the past week and if the prices hold or drop we should see even more of them coming along.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67120.19
ETH 3459.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72