Are You An End-User That Wasn't Into Crypto Prior To Steem?

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

If you learned about Crypto and how to use it because of Steem, I am interested in your story.


I want to make a case that we can use the Steem Blockchain to onboard MainStream Users to crypto, even without being designed for it.

Share your story with me and the rest of Steem.

It is my opinion that to be a truly successful cryptocurrency we have to reach past developers and the original crypto-geeks and talk to mainstream. In order to do that, we could pitch a likable people who can talk to mainstream users, in a language they can understand.

First though, I want to test a theory that we have in fact attracted and retained people who did not have any crypto experience prior to finding Steem.

This is what I am interested in:

 1.  How did you hear about Steem?
 2.  When did you join?
 3.  Why did you join?  (What was the attraction?)
 4.  Have you expanded your crypto life beyond just Steem.
 5.  How would you explain your current interest in Steem and Crypto in general?
 6.  Are you holding or investing  (no judgment here, I am just wanting to prove or disprove the value)

I'm not overly concerned with how you format this as I would rather get a feel for numbers at this point rather than perfectly created stories.

A few paragraphs or just simple answers will do. If you want to write your Steem Story let it flow.

If you would like to turn this into a post that is great, place the link in the comments and use the tag #mainstreem (two E spelling)

Please resteem and help me to collect feedback from as many users as possible.



I joined Steemit in August 2016 after listening to The Dollar Vigilante and how he had joined. It took me another 9 months before I finally learned enough and was motivated enough to start diversifying into other cryptos besides Steem.
I told my story here:

Thank you!

ǝɹǝɥ sɐʍ ɹoʇɐɹnƆ pɐW ǝɥ┴

  1. I heard about Steemit the front end (rather than Steem) from James Corbett who I’ve been subscribed to for over 10 years now – the most trustworthy researcher I know of: @corbettreport

  2. I joined in Aug 2016 like you.

  3. James made a good case for it being a new and uncensored social media that could have payouts.

  4. Hell yes, at one point at the start of 2018 we were holding 24 different cryptos. All my interest in cryptos started because of Steemit

  5. A sort of rabid obsession

  6. Holding, but if I could go back in time I would have sold the lot in Jan 18 like I did with Bitcoin (thankfully) in Dec 17, and just held on to enough Steem (1000SP – 500SP to keep my slider and a bit extra for bots and stuff) At this point I would be thinking of buying if I wasn’t already holding.

Thank you and nearly... Me too.

I joined June 2016 and built my crypto portfolio through my rewards! I am a “cryptomaniac” since then but never before. I have learnt so so so so much about blockchain and projects, how to create wallets etc.....It’s been an amazing journey for me meeting the most interesting people like you 😘🥰

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you and good to see you!

  1. How did you hear about Steem?

I heard about Steem from @juliank who I met at university studying computer science.

  1. When did you join?

Just over a year ago.

  1. Why did you join? (What was the attraction?)

Mostly out of curiosity since he mentioned he was earning money with his photography and I could possibly do the same, but with programming.

  1. Have you expanded your crypto life beyond just Steem.


  1. How would you explain your current interest in Steem and Crypto in general?

I am mostly interested in because I think it has the potential to be a great project, which is partly made possible by Steem. Aside from that, I think there are some great people on here who will always have my interest, but as for general crypto stuff there isn't really much interest from my side.

  1. Are you holding or investing (no judgment here, I am just wanting to prove or disprove the value)

If I had withdrawn any STEEM or SBD when their prices were high, then I'd probably invest a little bit. Currently I can't afford to do that, nor does the current state of affairs really give me any confidence in doing so.

.1. How did you hear about Steem?

One of my brothers told me to try it.

.2. When did you join?

January 2017

.3. Why did you join? (What was the attraction?)

My family was in a very bad financial position due to the care of our daughter and I was willing to give anything a go. I still haven't used a dollar of crypto.

.4. Have you expanded your crypto life beyond just Steem.

Yes. I have diversified through trading into other coins and I am looking to leverage what I have learned on Steem in the real world through my career options. I even used it as a selling point in my recent interview and there has been interest from colleagues about building future applications.

.5. How would you explain your current interest in Steem and Crypto in general?

I am interested just about all aspects of it and wish that I was more technical so that I could delve deeper. There is so much running parallel to real life here that understanding how this community works and solving its problems over time will go a long way to easing other issues in the world.

.6. Are you holding or investing (no judgment here, I am just wanting to prove or disprove the value)

I am holding and developing my holdings through posting, trading and buying-in with fiat. While I might take some out at various points, the long-term of it is holding for years.

I did not have any crypto experience prior to coming here. And like you it has become a huge part of my life. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this up.

I agree that we (crypto in general) need to branch out beyond crypto-nerds and get rich quick hustlers. The general population (that we need to make it all take off), is just not interested in technical hurdles and the decentralise everything idealism...

I learnt about STEEM when it first launched, but I was completely uninterested by the concept of a social network. I use FB very sparingly and tend not to look at it as I find it a sickening place of name dropping and humble bragging (musicians are really terrible for that sort of thing...). However, later, the concept of blogging was getting interesting to me, and the semi-anomymous (pseudonym) account was also interesting as I just did not want to be hearing about work colleagues or people that I knew in real life.

I joined in December 2017, but I bounced off it in the first month and only started seriously around the end of January 2018.

The concept of just writing and blogging was very interesting to me. It helps me clear my mind and I find it quite relaxing. However, I have stayed a little clear of the music scene here (I am a professional violinist), it is something that I don't think really seems to be particularly discerning about quality in general. However, I do my little part by running the @classical-radio account.

My crypto life behind STEEM, well... Steem wasn't my first dalliance with crypto... So, yes?

For Steem (and crypto in general) to survive, we do need expand beyond our original audience. dapps on Steem get the sort of usage that any other chain would kill to have, but Steem is still thought of as a blogging social networking chain. We tend to evangelise about Steem to ourselves...

Crypto in general... Well,it is too hard to tell. But I do know that we can't pick a fight with the established order and expect to win. Entrenched user base and sheer size is completely against us. However, the melding of the centralised and decentralised systems is going to be the way forward. I really think that (at least in the short to medium term) people in general do like the security of a central authority to fix mistakes. I do think that as a nenabling technology, blockchain could be instrumental in getting other technologies into the realm of feasibility (automated cars, supply efficiency...).

Holding and investing. For Steem specifically, most holding. That said, if the price of Steem gets high enough, I would be using it again to reinvest into other chains.

Thank you for taking the time to share it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this and also spreading the word.

I had heard of Bitcoin, been told it is a scam, and I am not really a risk taker and have never been interested in stock shares and the like. So that’s me In BS 😉 (BS - Before Steem)

  1. How did you hear about Steem?
    I was at a workshop for women helping out a friend man her booth. @bitrocker2020 was part of the line up to share. In that 30 minutes, this stranger tells us that we can do what we are doing with social media and be be rewarded. Questions about where the cash comes from and if it was legal popped up. Right now I remember him saying, that when we do want to cash out, he will help. I signed up within days but was sceptical and didn’t post until a few weeks in. I wanted to google it first to see if it was a scam. Haha

  2. When did you join?
    Signed up December 2017, two weeks for the first post which was a YT video I had done a couple of weeks prior (didn’t know about recycling stuff or that steemit was a blogging site), got my first curie vote on the 5th post which was over 100 in payout (the good old days haha), attended a local Steem meet-up and paid for the yummy burgers with Steem and felt like it was free, met other Steemians and one day I woke up and realised there was no going back ... I was hooked

  3. Why did you join? (What was the attraction?)
    I didn’t have to do anything I was already doing ... content wise. And the friend I was helping out also signed up. @bitrocker2020 was very relaxed presenting, no hard sell, he presented and then left the ball in my court. There was no pressure

  4. Have you expanded your crypto life beyond just Steem.
    -I have only invested time, lots and lots of time but not fiat though I think about it a lot. That’s only for Steem. I tried weku for a bit and then whaleshares but I already struggle with time o. Steem so only really on Steem I ‘d say

  5. How would you explain your current interest in Steem and Crypto in general?
    Because I am in communities and the engagement league, I have gradually started consuming information about Crypto and Steem as I look for content to engage with. And also because I want to know more about this beast I am dealing with so I know what I am talking about when my friends ask. I can say I believe Crypto is coming whether we like it or not. Just a matter of time. I want it to be Steem. I feel good about it because of the people I have met in the platform. Would I invest in other Crypto’s... not convinced I know enough to and financially too.

  6. Are you holding or investing (no judgment here, I am just wanting to prove or disprove the value)
    Cashed out the minimum in the early days to make sure it wasn’t a scam: and since then have HODLed and Powered up as and when. Only investing within the platform

And that’s my story 😊

I never heard of it until a friend told me to join over 2 years ago. The whole place scared me. I didn't understand anything. Took me months to understand how to cash out.

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