Day 3 (after a few missed days)

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

So my aim of writing a new blog every day lasted a whole massive two days. I guess that says something about my determination :D

I'd like to come up with an excuse as to why my streak was short lived, but I don't really have one. Life just gets busy I guess. When your mind is in a million places, you really, your focus on each of those places tends to drift from time to time.

Work Ponderings

In my last blog I mentioned that I was considering looking for work.. That is still on my mind, but I haven't really taken any drastic actions. I feel this sense of belonging to my cuirrent company, even though, to be completely frank, they probably don't deserve it. Except for one or two guys that I know have had my back, the rest of the company is, well, just a company. Their success doesn't equate to my success, as much as companies usually have their employees believe.

Today I received a call from a recruiter for a job that I applied for a few days ago. It was a shorter term contract than I'd like, but the way I see it (and you can all take this as advice for gathering a recruiter's attention), These very short term contracts don't usually get much attention from applicants, and when you apply, you're more likely to get a call than the ideal perfect role that everyone is bending over backwards for. So apply I did, and get a call I did, and of course, I had the chat about the length of the contract and that I'd expect a much higher rate to accept something that short, which led to the recruiter mentioning another role that he's sent through to me. This one is better money, and longer term.

So now I'm sitting there thinking about this other role. Am I ready to jump ship? It's not the ideal work, but if I work out the financials and properly distribute some of the income to my wife, I probably end up about 30% better off than I am now - and the money is definitely needed.

But is it a better career move? That is hard to judge when I don't know where my next destination is if I stay with my current employer... It might move me into that contractor realm where I'm more free to move as I desire and therefore more in control of my own destiny...

Who knows really...


So putting work aside.. I also did something yesterday that I haven't done in probably 6 months - bought some bitcoin. I still have a bit of cash left over from my tax return, and i figure'd I'd park an smallish amount in bitcoin for a little while when the price bottomed out at $6kUS. i then immediately halved the amount I was thinking, in case the price kept dropping, then I'd dip the other half in.

I then got looking today at the long term historical chart of bitcoin and a couple of alts that I hold dear to my heart... I discovered (and I'm sure I"m not the only one) that when bitcoin has a huge bull run like what we saw at the end of last year, it is usually followed by a bear run that is probably 2-3 times longer than the bull run.

The 2017 extreme bull run lasted 3-6 months, so by that logic, the bear run will last about 6-18 months. We're currently 8 months in. If I had to guess, and I'm not by any means an expert technical analyst, we'll see bitcoin recover and fail again at least 2 more times this year. and next year, either in Q1 or Q2, we'll see the beginnings of another bull run, and probably surpass the previous all time high somewhere between the middle to the end of 2019.

Again, I'm not an expert, that's just how I see it right now and I'm putting it here for all to see (or for me to come back to see how wrong I was)


Don't be too hard on yourself about not uploading every day. Life does get in the way sometimes, that's cool. The main thing is that you're persisting to upload.

And god I hope we get a bull run. I'm starting to worry where the bottom is.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks :) I'm not being hard on myself, just like to be accountable for prior statements :D

We will definitely get a bull run - it's just a matter of when, and how much more pain there is to come before we get there.

I think I'll start buying again more frequently and dollar cost averaging :D

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 66975.17
ETH 2594.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67