In modern day life, people worry, busy, do a lot of work to make money that sometimes forget the most important thing of life. That's health. " Health is everything ". And in order to have good health we need to supplement our nutrition and exercise regularly. I bring you useful information about foods that will bring great nutritional value. I think you will need it to improve and enhance your health every day. Today, I will tell you about the nutrition of cashew.
Nutritional ingredients(100g):
Carbohydrate(g): 33
Fiber(g): 3
Fat(g): 44
Protein(g): 8
Calo / Kcal: 553

The benefits of eating cashew:
Helps strong bones:
Particularly rich in magnesium. The fact that calcium is needed for strong bones, but magnesium is also good. Most of the magnesium in the human body is in the bone. They help shape the physical structure of the bone, the rest lies on the surface of the bone, where it is stored for the body to use as the need. Copper in cashew nuts plays a very important role in the functions of the enzymes involved in collagen and elastin synthesis, providing the substance and flexibility in the joints.
Prevent cancer:
Protein contains proanthocyanidins - proven to be flavanol that can prevent cancer cells from reproducing and destroying cancer cells. In fact, studies have shown that high levels of copper in nuts also help to ward off free radicals as well as provide a good source of phytochemicals and antioxidants.
Maintain cardiovascular health:
Cashews contain abundant oleic acid. This monounsaturated fat improves cardiovascular health and reduces triglyceride levels. In addition, magnesium in cashew nuts can help lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks. Coronary artery disease and cardiovascular risk can be reduced by regularly eating cashew nuts without cholesterol and antioxidants.
Good for the nerves:
By preventing calcium from entering the neurons and activating them, magnesium helps the nerves, blood vessels and muscles relax. Magnesium deficiency leads to high blood pressure, muscle tension, migraines, aches and pains. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that magnesium helps reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, lower blood pressure and help prevent heart attacks.
Reduce bad cholesterol (LDL):
Particles that are rich in beneficial fats such as omega fatty acids and unsaturated fats such as oleic acid and cashew nuts are good for health without damaging the body. Therefore, when eating cashew nuts we have provided a good source of lipids, helping the body to reduce cholesterol badly.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver
Cashew is a very balanced diet for humanity. But unfortunately, we do not give any importance to our balanced diet.