Bittrex Exchange (Bitrix) is a popular platform for trading crypto-currencies
One of the main problems for a novice trader is the choice of an exchange for trading. Nowadays their range goes off scale, everyone offers their advantages and hides their skills with skill, so it's very difficult to determine with whom it is worth working. And as the main rule of the trader says "do not put all the eggs in one basket" and do not trade only on one site, it is necessary to decide on a couple of exchanges, which will be your favorites. In this article we will talk about the Bittrex exchange, which is uniquely worthy of such a role. - large crypto exchange
For a long time the main place in the TOP and the hearts of users was occupied by the Poloniex exchange, but recently it started actively losing its positions. Its main competitor - a platform called Bittrex - managed to stay on top of the list most popular exchanges and today most traders prefer it to her. Just imagine, for a day here scrolls about the order of 230$ million, while even the above-mentioned stock exchange is satisfied with the turnover on 60$ million less. If you compare Bitrix with smaller services for trading, then at all you can see a colossal difference, as the trading volumes on many of them reach only several tens of millions in evergreen banknotes.
Started Bittrex in 2015 year and by nationality is an exchange of American origin. But despite the overseas occurrence, the site quickly spread to other continents and even reached the Russian-speaking market segment. And although the Russian-language translation for our compatriots did not, Bitrix prefers more and more Russian-speaking users, because it's not the localization of the site, but in the capabilities that the trading platform provides. Its position Bittrex deserved, in the first place, convenient functionality, a large number of trading pairs and a loyal customer policy. But the American service is not at all an ideal exchange, sins are found behind it, although the court is not caught in high-profile intrigues and scams.
Enjoy the vote and reward!