How to get rich in young age..
The only reason most people that are young (18–30) are not rich is that they have not had the time to learn and make mistakes.
The average millionaire fails quite a few times before they get to their first million. Younger individuals may have not yet had the opportunity.
Now if you want to get rich while you are still young you have to
Start taking action
The soon you take action the soon you become a master at business.
Take action…fail
Take action…fail a little less
Take action…Succeed a little
Take action…Succeed a little more
Take action…(I think you get it now).
Many people will never become wealthy because they never take action!
I was an engineer making a pretty solid salary but I was by no means “rich”. I only got rich when I realized that to get rich, I need to get out of my comfort zone and start actually taking action.
As a young person who is indeed rich, my answer to your question is actually take action.
I actually have an article about how you could take action and start building wealth today Start building Wealth Today - Step By Step Entrepreneur.