RE: Is 'Quality Content" Like Holding Onto The Rotary Phone And Steemit Inc's Conflict Of Interest
I don't understand the company's movements, especially the last changes to, first the change in the wallet issue, increasing the complexity of the use of our accounts wasn't the right choice imo.
Now this change that tries to encourage flagging the bad content, I agree in the need of flagging the bad content but imo this won't help that, first because anybody that has some experience here knows that flagging some users is risky. There are a lot of alt accounts that you don't know who are belong to, so you can enter in a flag war with someone much bigger than you.
And second because if that happens, there isn't any judge or entity that can solve these flag wars, so you're alone in them with the exception of the friends you can have here.
Flagging is very risky to small users, so the only ones that are allowed to do that with impunity are the whales or orcas.
Congratulations on an excellent win, best of luck in the rest of the tournament.
Ty @mattclarke, I hadn't many luck, went out in the next round against, @deathcloud. Sorry for defeating you for nothing. :/
I can say there is a logical reason for the splitting in the wallet.
When the wallet is tied into the rest of the code, the security level necessary is much higher. Hence, updates were slow because you cannot make a change and expose the tokens. By splitting it, the level of security for the "social media" aspect is a lot lower. Implementing new features will not affect the integrity of the wallets since they are completely separate.
You bring up a valid point about the retaliation aspect of the flagging. So will more smaller accounts be involved at all since the potential still exists.
The retaliation issue can only be solved with anonymous downvoting. This could be accomplished today with a community run bot that processes encrypted memos with links to content that should be considered for downvoting.
That looks like a very good idea if someone controls that the downvote matches the requirements of the community... for spam, plagiarism, hate speech etc...
Anonymous downvoting could have some drawbacks without that control.