Story for - Flash Dystopian Fiction 500 contest
In some country lived some boy. In childhood he was just a normal one, maybe only reserved a little bit. It differentiated him from other kindergarteners. Was going to kinder garden, after a couple of years he was somehow more mature and started learning things taught in school. But still he did not understand what these people want from him, all these numbers, addition, substraction, he just found it more enjoyable to detonate petards in the street. Some years gone by. He started going to school, doing homework, learning other language. He was still quite reserved and shy from his kindergarten and didn't quite get along with other students. They had different backgrounds, boy didn't grow up in the street and was in no way involved in street fightings.
6th grade
He got into another group at school. He didn't have still the ability to get along with other people easily. Later on he'll learn it.He almost stopped talking with his classmates and everywhere was alone.
9th grade
By 9th grade he became a bit more self-conscious. He realised he is living in a third-world country with shitty perspectives in life. Many people around him, and his relatives, were working under 500$. But this boy, seeing a lot of films about luxury life, expensive cars, good clothes, guns, and shooting, he wanted to live that life. Life of a rich man, that does not look at prices at the shops, can buy anything, can drive a luxurious car and wear "Hublo" on his wrist. The boy realised quite clearly back at his age that no school gonna make him rich. He almost stopped going there. Started thinking out ways to earn some money.
end of school
Since 9th grade the boy wanted to have his own empire, where big money will flow in and out. He got into his first job after school. It was a job as a salesman. Obviously the job involved talking with totally different people a lot, and it made the boy another person. Now he would go talk with anybody without and anxiety. He was able to have an instant connection and was able to talk in a way people would open themselves up. He was able to talk anyone into anything.
Soon he realised the job didn't pay well and quit it. He got a job in another industry. Was young and ready to build himself ambitious future.
But soon he heard these rumors. He wasn't paying attention to them at first, but it was becoming louder and louder with time. In town where he lived people were disappearing. If only someone say bad thing about the government, he immediately disappears. The day he said it or the next day. The boy went to Internet to find out what was happening, as he was scared as fuck about that. "What if I would also disappear some day?".
In the internet there were thousands of reports of people disappering across the whole country. The journalists were disappearing faster than normal people. He turned on TV. "Maybe they'll tell me what's happening?" he thought to himself. All TV channels were filled either with optimistic predictions about the country's future or with shows filmed only to make citizens to feel hate and rage to nations and countries outside the country.
He suggested to not give a fuck about it and just continue working on his future. The volume of money he became processing was immense. He was able to buy himself a super car, some Hubots, a big house and travelled a lot in his country. He suggested to travel abroad for the first time. He got into the passport office where all people should go if they want to travel abroad. The clerk told him to go back to the office after 7 days again. During these time secret police officers checked all the actions coming from his personal computer, his mobile phone and his laptop. All IP addresse he visited, all the phone calls he made, all the messages he sent. They were able to get full control of every piece of data he has ever produced in his life. The officers saw that he is not loyal to the country's government and is aware of the dirty things people do on higher levels. They rejected giving him Visa.
The reality of his situation hit him very hard. He realised he is trapped in the country. All the frontiers are closed, no way to escape. The man continued to live his life. With time he started seeing more and more police officers on the streets. Quite soon he was not able to make 100 steps and to not spot another police officer. He realised all his devices are tapped. Whatever message he sends to any of his friends-it get read by special agency officers. Whatever he say on the Internet get read by the army of agents.
The man acutely realised he is trapped in his flat. His every step immediately become known to police officers. And even if he goes out without the devices, there are cops everywhere in the street.
Very soon a big black G-wagon drove to his house. People wearing casual clothes showed up. They started to breaking open the house doors. The man had metal bars on his windows, and was not able to escape the flat. The officers broke the door, took the man out into the car. Drove him to police station and killed him with guns.