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RE: Fullcoverbetting's Worldcup Contest: Registration week 2
I'm actually from Australia but about 17 years ago, my best mate who is Portuguese got me into soccer and I support FC Porto now :)
Hope the Aussies do well but lets be honest, They have to play France in the first game!
France could take the cup but my hope is on my home country Belgium!
My kids have shirts from FC Porto. We bought them in Lissabon and most shops refused to print their name on it 😂
Still glad that Australia is their. Your first goalie had been the goalie of my favorite team and your second goalie is thier current keeper. So which team am I taking about!
Nope, try again. Your current backup goalie is our first keeper :)
Danny Vukovic #genk
We have a winner!
A full upvote for you, not that it is much but still 😂