How to earn Ethereums playing and having fun ?
Hey! steemians.
For this first post in english (a translation of my original post in french, sorry if it isn't perfect), I chose to talk to the cryptos fans that you are and let you discover a way to win Ethereums for free thanks to the latest CoinPoker project.
ETHEREUM , this crypto which has the wind in its sails at the moment and which nowadays costs about 800$ per unit.
How much will you ask me?
About 1500 Ethereum or $1,200,000 worth of cake you can try to eat for free, it's tempting isn't it?
You say to yourself, where's the trick?
Well, there isn't, and I'll explain in more detail what CoinPoker is, although you're probably beginning to guess what is it about...
CoinPoker, the CryptoCurrency Online Poker
In fact, you won't be able to win directly Ethereum, but Chips (CHP) a new crypto attached to the CoinPoker project like STEEM is here, which sold out its Pre-Ico (100 000 000 000 CHP) in just 6 days, which is already very promising in itself.
At that time (October 2017) 1 CHP was sold for 0,05 € and you were offered 30% bonus.
The ICO will then take place in 3 phases and will start in January 2018, here below the values announced to obtain CHP during this ICO:
Now it's to buy, you talked about winning at the beginning and free!
Yes yes, I come to that, but I have to reassure you about the project so that you don't think of a scam, right?
So, this project, why do I believe in it?
First of all, because poker itself is a hit, you just have to look at PokerStars or Winamax to check it out, then because the crypto itself is a hit, and then I don't need to give you an example, you know more than I do.
Ok that's not quite enough, even if it's not bad enough, so to continue, the team behind the project, they are not amateurs, they are people with serious CVs in the crypto and/or poker fields with some celebrities to back up Tony G's style who, in addition to being a Poker Champion, is a successful entrepreneur and Isabelle Mercier that Poker fans know well.
Did I say that their site and whitepaper are ones of the best ever seen?
What else is there?
I told you the Pre-Ico was sold in less than six days, right?
100 000 000 CHP (-30% offered in bonus) sold, which represents 3 500 000 $, not bad for starting a business, right?
And it was only one fifth of the total of CHPs that will be released, in my opinion, the CHPs will be sold like buns in January (first phase of ICO).
There, the next 100 000 000 CHP will be worth 19 000 000 $ (at the current price of the Ethereum) so therefore the 100 000 000 CHP of the Pre-ICO too, you begin to understand what attracts there, don't you?
Then in phase 2, 100 000 000 CHP = 20 000 000 $ and in phase 3 close to $23 000 000 $ and then you will say to me, and well after that, there is a good chance that it will soar like it is now for all the small cryptos that are coming or almost all of them.
Well, here again I just unfolded the hypothesis of why it could be a good investment, but I repeat, I'm not trying to make you buy CHPs (if you feel like it anyway, be nice, do it by way of my sponsorship link to make me win some CHP reward in the process)
And there are good things too:
Let us now get to the heart of the matter.
Win free CHPs now?
You've been careful, I said "win", i. e. it's not just an airdrop at 0.00000000000000000001 Tokens as I see fit at the moment, no.
CoinPoker is giving for free, the equivalent of about 1500 Ethereums in CHP (amount calculated at the estimated value at the end of ICO) or about 1 200 000 $ in the form of freeroll tournaments (free entry) at a rate of 1 tournament every 30 minutes until the end of December.
The friend who told me about CoinPoker yesterday, discovered it on Friday, he just sent me a screen of his CoinPoker balance:
10801 CHP, about 3 Ethereum at the end of the ICO, he won it in 2 days!!
Well, he's a confirmed Poker player, I'm not saying you'll do the same if you're not a confirmed player too, but you'll be able to earn some of them while having fun playing Poker for free, for example, I am just an amateur, in a few freerolls, I've already won 163 CHP:
Now you know the basics, I'll also give you a screen of Coinpoker's development schedule so you can get an idea of what they have planned:

And I invite you to sign up by following this link (my referral link, in any case, it won't cost you anything, but if you decide one day to invest some money, I will be rewarded by a few CHP), and get some Chips !
Thank you for reading me to the end and don't hesitate to tell me what you thought of the article and its subject in the comments section!