History of the Kingdom of Aceh.indonesia.

in #busy7 years ago

In this discussion I will discuss about the history of the establishment of the Islamic empire on the island of Sumatra, namely the Kingdom of Aceh, sub themes cover location, political life, economy, culture, glory, collapse, and some relics of the Kingdom of Aceh. Complete is not it? we just see the explanation below
The kingdom of Aceh is an Islamic empire that emerged as a new force in the Malacca Strait, which emerged in the 16th century, after the fall of Malacca into the hands of the Portuguese. The Islamic traders did not recognize Portuguese rule in the Malacca Strait and immediately transferred other commercial routes throughout the archipelago. Malacca's role as an international trading center was replaced by the Kingdom of Aceh for several centuries. After the trade and shipping activities that took place in the Kingdom of Aceh experienced developments and there has been a crowd, then these developments affect several areas including social, political and cultural.

Political Life of the Kingdom of Aceh
Speaking of political life, the Kingdom of Aceh was originally founded by a figure named Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah. The establishment of this kingdom took place in 1530 after escaping from the power of the Kingdom of Pidie in 1564. Then Aceh under the leadership of Sultan Alauddin (1537-1568) attacked the kingdom of Johor and managed to capture the Sultan of Johor, but the Johor kingdom stood and opposed the Kingdom of Aceh. At the time of Aceh led by Alaudin Riayat Syah came the Dutch troops led by "Cornelis de Houtman" to ask permission to join in this kingdom.

Furthermore, Sultan Ali Riayat successor of Alauddin sultan, he ruled from 1604-1607. It was at this time that Portuguese attacked because they wanted to trade monopoly in the Kingdom of Aceh, but this effort did not work. After Sultan Muda was replaced by Sultan Iskandar Muda from 1607 to 1636, the kingdom of Aceh experienced its triumph in trade. There were many conquests in the adjacent areas of Aceh such as Deli (1612), Bintan (1614), Kampar, Parimanam, Minangkabau, Perak, Pahang and Kedah (1615-1619).
The Social Life of the Kingdom of Aceh
After the Kingdom of Aceh prospered prosperity, a system of feudalism and Islamic teachings developed in the social life of the people of Aceh. The nobility of the Aceh Kingdom who holds power in the civil administration is called the Teuku group, while the Ulama who play a very important role in religion is called Teungku. But between the two groups of society there is often competition and make the weakening of the Kingdom of Aceh.

Since the reign of the Kingdom of Aceh which took place in the 12th to 13th centuries, there has been hostility between the Shi'a and Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. But when k Aceh was led by Iskandar Muda the Shi'ite school gained protection from the Kingdom of Aceh and progressed to the Aceh region. Sunnah Wal Jama'ah's flow of Islam embraces the sunnah.

Also read: The Islamic Kingdom of Pasai Ocean
Also read: The Islamic Kingdom Perlak

From the social life of the Kingdom of Aceh we have discussed above, the development in the field of culture is not as fast as the development in the economic field. The real visible legacy of this kingdom is the Baiturrahman Mosque.
Economic Life of the Kingdom of Aceh
Economic life of the Kingdom of Aceh experienced such a rapid development, the development is influenced by the kingdom is so fertile and make the produce so abundant with the main commodity of pepper. The widespread power of the Aceh Kingdom to some areas on the western and eastern coast of Sumatra affects the increased sales of pepper produced. In addition, the control of the Kingdom of Aceh over the territory of the Malacca Peninsula resulted in an increase in export commodities, namely pepper and tin.

The kingdom of Aceh succeeded in controlling the Strait of Malacca which at that time was a trade route for foreign traders. The kingdom of Aceh also established trade relations with the British and Dutch, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Siamese, Indian and Japanese. Goods that are exported in the aceh kingdom are spices, pepper, rice. Meanwhile, imports include fabrics from India, fragrant oil from the Middle East and Sutras from China or Japan. In trading, the vessels used are very active in trading even the shipping that can be done very far that is in the Red Sea region.

The location of the Kingdom of Aceh is very strategic, ie in the northern part of Sumatra Island and close to international trade shipping lanes at that time. The kingdom of Aceh flourished as an Islamic empire and experienced a heyday in the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda. This very rapid development can not be separated from the location of the Kingdom of Aceh is very strategic. The kingdom of Aceh as a center of trade makes the development of life in the Kingdom of Aceh in all fields, making competition emerge with the Johor Kingdom in the Malay Peninsula.
The glory of the Kingdom of Aceh
The kingdom of Aceh experienced the peak of glory during the reign of King Sultan Iskandar Muda precisely in the year 1607-1636. When he ruled, the kingdom of Aceh succeeded in improving in several aspects, which include the fields of economy, politics, international relations, trade, military, and the development of Islam. In addition, Aceh also succeeded in pushing the Portuguese position in the Malacca Strait due to the development that took place when led by Iskandar Muda.

In his reign, Sultan Iskandar expanded its territorial territory and continued to increase the spice trade into an export commodity that has the potential for the prosperity of the people of the Aceh Kingdom. He was able to control Pahang in 1618, Kedah region in 1619, and Perak in 1620, where the area is a producer of tin. bBahkan during his leadership, the Kingdom of Aceh was able to attack the position of the kingdom of Johor and Malay to Singapore in 1613 and 1615.

In the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda the glory can be seen from the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Aceh. He managed to do political relations with the British, Turkish, Dutch and Francis. Iskandar Muda once sent envoys to Turkey with a gift of pepper 1 sack, the step is then replied with the giving of military assistance in the form of soldiers and a cannon.
Progress can also be seen in the field

Meanwhile, the successful progress in the field of Religion is the Kingdom of Aceh successfully gave birth to a prominent cleric. The essay of the scholars is made a reference, for example, cleric Hamzah Fansuri on his book. Furthermore, in the economic field, the kingdom succeeded in conducting economic and trade relations with other nations such as Arabic, Turkish, Egyptian, Indian, English, Francis, Japanese and Chinese. Completely imported commodities contained in Aceh's Traditional Book include grapes, rice, sugar, edible pulp, dates, jars, textiles, cotton, iron, batik, paper, fans and opium. While the export commodities are pepper, tin, saapan, damar, sandalwood, gandaruken, medicines, gums and resin.

Under the control of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the Kingdom of Aceh took place smoothly and safely. The kingdom of Aceh has points as the economic center, namely the port area located on the east coast, west to south. This economic center makes the kingdom of Aceh become rich, its people live prosperous and prosperous.


The fall of the Kingdom of Aceh
The kingdom of Aceh experienced a period of collapse caused by several factors including:
The death of Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1630, after the death there was no more king who managed to control the vastness of the kingdom of Aceh. After the kingdom was led by Sultan Iskandar Thani in 1637 to 1641, the Kingdom of Aceh began to decline. Even after Iskandar Thani setback deeply felt in this kingdom.
The emergence of a dispute that occurred in the continuous kingdom of Aceh between the clerical group and the nobility to make this kingdom weakened further. The dispute that occurred was caused by the difference of religious flow between Sunna wal Jama'ah and Shi'a.
The territory of the kingdom of Aceh is getting smaller, this is because regions like Pahang, Johor, Siak and Minangkabau break away. The breakaway region then became an independent kingdom of aceh power. Such independence also exists successfully with foreign assistance with trade motives. For approximately 4 centuries the kingdom of Aceh in power, eventually collapsed in the early 20th century because it was mastered by the Dutch


Kings of the Kingdom of Aceh
Sultan Ali Mughayat, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1514-1528 AD.
Sultan Salahuddin, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1528-1537 AD.
Sultan Alaudin Riayat Syah al-Kahar, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1537-1568 AD.
Sultan Sri Alam, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1575-1576 AD.
Sultan Zain al-Abidin, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1576-1577 AD.
Sultan Ala 'al-Abidin, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1577-1589 AD.
Sultan Buyung, ruled the kingdom of Aceh in 1589-1596 AD.
Sultan Ala 'al-Din Riayat Shah Sayyid al-Mukammil, ruled the kingdom of Aceh in 1596-1604 AD.
Sultan Ali Riayat Shah, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in the year 1604-1607 AD.
Sultan Iskandar Muda Johan Pahlawan Meukuta Alam, ruled the Kingdom of Aceh in 1607-1636 AD.
Iskandar Thani, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1636-1641 AD.
Sri Ratu Safi al-Din Taj al Alam, reigned in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1641-1675 AD.
Sri Ratu Naqvi al-Din Nur al-Alam, ruled in the kingdom of Aceh in 1641-1678 AD.
Sri Ratu Zaqqi al-Din Inayat Syah, ruled in the kingdom of Aceh in 1678-1688 AD.
Sri Ratu Kamalat Shah Zinat al-Din, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1688-1699
Sultan Badr al-Alam S Hashim Jamal al-Din, ruled in the kingdom of Aceh in 1699-1702 AD
Sultan Perkasa Alam S L, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1702-1703 AD
Sultan Jamal al-Alam Badr al-Munir, reigned in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1703-1726 AD
Sultan Jauhar al-Alam Amin al-Din 1726
Sultan Shyam al-Alam, reigned in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1726-1727 AD.
Sultan Ala 'al-Din Ahmad S, 1727-1735 AD
Sultan Ala 'al-Din Johan Syah, 1735-1760 AD
Sultan Mahmud Shah ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1760-1781 Maehi.
Sultan Badr al-Din reigned in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1781-1785 AD.
Sultan Sulaiman Siah, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1785- ...
Alauddin Muhammad Daud Shah.
Sultan Ala 'al-Din Jauhar al-Alam, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1795-1815 and 1818-1824 AD.
Sultan Sharif Saif al-Alam ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1815-1818 AD.
Sultan Muhammad Shah, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1824-1838 AD.
Sultan Sulaiman Siah, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1838-1857 AD.
Sultan Mansur Shah ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1857-1870 AD.
Sultan Mahmud Shah, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1870-1874 AD.
Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah, ruled in the Kingdom of Aceh in 1874-1903 AD.


Thus the discussion on the history of the Kingdom of Aceh is complete and clear. Hopefully useful for all readers. Do not forget to read other interesting articles related to the history of the kingdoms in Indonesia. So, more apologies. Thank you

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