The "healthy" wave of millennials

in #busy6 years ago


Caring for the environment, prioritizing a healthy diet or choosing products and activities ecofriendly are among the new needs and demands of this generation.

These digital natives born between 1980 and 2000 are characterized by having grown up in a hyperconnected context and interaction, through access to the Internet, mobile devices, and social networks.

It is a highly informed generation that imposes its tastes, preferences, needs and demands with more demands than the generations that preceded them and, from these predilections, are changing some paradigms of consumption and lifestyle .


In an article published by The Washington Post, the dietitian and president of the company specialized in the communication of nutrition, Words to Eat By, Cara Rosenbloom, analyzed some ways in which millennials influence the feeding of various age groups.

"They want the truth about food manufacturers - big food producers are beginning to listen to consumer demands for transparency about ingredients and sources, and this request is largely driven by millennials who want to know how they are made their food, " explained the expert.


What do millennials want in terms of food? Here some features.

1 They love personalization

They do not want the same hamburger that everyone else is eating. They want to personalize the taste design and personalize their food. Therefore, it is common in the United States to find more fast food restaurants that offer personalized hamburgers, among other types of food.

2 They want something easy

According to the food and health survey of the International Food Information Council, 55% of young people in this generation say that convenience is one of the main drivers of food purchases, while baby boomers say that the taste is the most important. Millennials are the driving force behind fast food, grocery delivery services, street food stalls, online orders and the growth of options for heating and eating.

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3 They are redefining the healthy

If you ask a millennial what a "healthy" restaurant is, they do not say it is low in fat or high in fiber. According to the statistics, they may tell you that they are natural, organic, locally sourced or sustainable foods . That's why many menus now list the farm where your lettuce grew or offer organic options.


4 They want a better meal for their babies

In the aisles of supermarket baby foods you can find gourmet mixes in bags. Becoming a father changes eating habits more than any other milestone, and millennials tend to focus on the quality of food once they realize they are responsible for feeding a small person.


5 Value the planet

While older shoppers still read labels for information on calories and grams of fat, young people are more interested in how food originated and grew, and how that affects their carbon footprint.

The sustainability is a priority for them when they buy food in supermarkets or restaurants. Millennials' awareness of environmental problems has influenced food manufacturers to institute better ecological practices.


6 They love to eat in a simple and healthy way

Snack options have skyrocketed and there are many healthy offerings, with chia seeds, roasted chickpeas and trapped sorghum. Millennials have also pushed food companies to satisfy their need for convenience by requiring food packages that are resealable, easy to open and portable.

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7 They like to try new things

Millennials are characterized as open minded and curious.


They like to try new flavors , love ethnic cuisine and incorporate vegetarian and vegan options.

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