We do not have any end to our demands, even though we are living so much fun. And how do people who live in such neglected lives live?
In this life of reality no man is rich and some beggar. But they just passed the day after day. And the difference between them is the same. Someone who lives in a lot of ways and lives in the streets. Yes, today I'll tell those tokikes. All who are helpless and persecuted.
Someone is poor or someone rich. But one thing we all are human. Someone's luck dragged him into high class and somebody on the street. And then there is a difference between people. A Tokai, he always got rid of the rubbish of bottles, polythene, paper etc. on the street, for his family. And if one day they do not go to the garbage collection, that day their family has to eat without it. There is no good clothes wearing toked. Always wear ragged clothes. Because the lack has hugged them. Seeing a bigger car in a hurry. But he does not want to ride in the car because they know they are low in society. They do not get it easily whenever they want.
(source) (https://www.google.com/search?q=টোকাই&client=ms-android-micromax&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM4Y7Tk-HbAhVNUt4KHSRBBHYQ_AUICigB&biw=320&bih=490#imgdii=X1vK9Y59o665fM:&imgrc=FdfIEfuIeAdfSM:)
And there are many rich people in our society. There is no shortage of money. When the Tokai boys got their hands on Bhikhari, they hit them and hurled them. And these are the good people of our society. People who do not think of poor people They do not know what they are doing. Because they have no shortage. The value of the euro is only meant by the Tokai meaning the poor. Yet they live in negligence society. And our society is like this. Instead of assaulting them, instead of assaulting them, they kicked them with kicks.
(source) (https://www.google.com/search?q=টোকাই&client=ms-android-micromax&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM4Y7Tk-HbAhVNUt4KHSRBBHYQ_AUICigB&biw=320&bih=490#imgrc=0F0SEAE-XFCeIM:)
And they commit various types of crimes to save themselves from poverty. And crime is increasing day by day. And their names are getting on the criminal list. Then who is responsible for their consequences? They are not themselves or the wealthy of this society. You must definitely give your opinion.
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