Modernes Pharisäertum

in #busy7 years ago

Johannes 15:18-21 Wenn euch die Welt haßt, so wißt, daß sie mich vor euch gehaßt hat. 19 Wenn ihr von der Welt wärt, so hätte die Welt das Ihre lieb; weil ihr aber nicht von der Welt seid, sondern ich euch aus der Welt heraus erwählt habe, darum haßt euch die Welt.
20 Gedenkt an das Wort, das ich zu euch gesagt habe: Der Knecht ist nicht größer als sein Herr. Haben sie mich verfolgt, so werden sie auch euch verfolgen; haben sie auf mein Wort [argwöhnisch] achtgehabt, so werden sie auch auf das eure [argwöhnisch] achthaben. 21 Aber das alles werden sie euch antun um meines Namens willen; denn sie kennen den nicht, der mich gesandt hat. 27332464_145088466164777_8464041188680250584_n.jpg


I wish I could understand it!!!

Well, that's a bible-abiding pastor called Olaf Latzel who criticised the system in Germany, which is increasing undemocratic.He mentioned National Socialism and the DDR-Regime in the East of Germany which we had earlier, to warn humans what's the result when democracy become abolished, that's what he said on this picture.

Additional to this he made clear Christians can not support sexual perversions (Romans 1:26-27), and although we've to respect humans have a different faith we never could say all humans pray to the same God (2 Corinthians 6:14-17), so he's against against Ecumenism too, what's completely biblical.

The thing is, national churches in Germany (in the rest of the world too) support a lot of unbiblical and antichristian heresies, that is why these people who're just interrested in their careers and other worldly things started to fight him, before they became silence, after a lot of real Christians did start to support him.

The text in the black part of the pic is "Luke 20:19", where Pharisees decided to destroy Christ because he speaks the truth and was a problem for their careers, this passage shows there're a lot of modern Pharisees in these times too, specially in national churches, which act to praise the Lord, during they share heresies and fight anyone who's bible abiding.

The text about the pic is "John 15:18-21", where Jesus Christ prophesied this sinful world will fight anyone who follow the Lord, during anyone which is a part of this sinful world has the chance to have an easy "limited life" (when humans goes to hell Satan is satisfied and has no reason to fight them, during he wants that Christians to fail and lost their hail).

Luke 20:19 The teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest him immediately, because they knew he had spoken this parable against them. But they were afraid of the people.

John 15:18-21 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.

That is so amazing and lots of respect to you that you have sent me all the English version just because I could not understand that language. Thanks for paying your time and attention toward my comment. moreover I had never read Bible. but whenever you come up with some blog about it , it always tend to increase my knowledge about it.

Moreover I completely agree to your mentioned line 'there're a lot of modern Pharisees in these times too, specially in national churches, which act to praise the Lord, during they share heresies and fight anyone who's bible abiding.'

I'm glad you're interrested to Christianity too, because it's any Christians job to inform about it. :)

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Nice content ! I did not know German language but I got it in English language which you wrote in the comment section . Keep it up.

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