That is why the original door of Raozar of the Prophet (pbuh) was not opened even in 700 years
The only purpose of coming to Medina of Hajj and Umrah is to visit the Roza Mubarak of the Prophet (peace be upon him), presenting salute to Raoza, and presenting Salams in Roja. This holy land is lying in the mosque of the mosque in Navinbhabe, the world's greatest great human being Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The Prophet (peace be upon him) was buried in the house where he lived with the wife Ayesha (ra). The grave of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and the second caliph of Islam, Umar (ra) - Islam's first caliph beside the Rozar of the Prophet.
Another grave place beside the empty. Here is the grave of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).
For this reason, Hazira Madina Sharif came before or after Hajjalan. While staying in Medina, the first and the main duty of the Hajj is to attend the mosque and offer five prayers daily there.
The salat of one rak'ah prayer in the mosque Nababi is equal to fifty thousand rakat prayers. Apart from this, there is a special merit of realization of the Prayer Prayer with the Prayer for 40 hours without interruption in the mosque.
Even in the last 700 years, the main door of the Prophet's Roosevelers was not opened. Religious devotees were so much more passionate that if the door of Prophet's Rujaar was open, they would have taken dust. Therefore, the officials responsible for the maintenance of the Prophets of RAJAZA gave them the opportunity to take Roza from a very long distance.
Recently, in a media report, it is said that propaganda is going on in the world with the Prophets Rozza Mubarak. Failure to earn illegal money is being shown in different countries by showing false Rojas images of the prophets and Khalifahs.
The officer should not bow down to anyone other than Allah Almighty, said the official.
Besides, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person who has prayed for forty days in my mosque and did not perform any prayers, he will be saved from the Nafaq (hypocrisy) and the hell of hell.
It is said about the Virtue of Ruwa Sharif Zayyar of Hadrat Rasulullah (PBUH): The person who used to go to Rauza Mubarak after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he should have observed the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his lifetime.
There are many doors to the mosque entrance. In the meantime, the door which is to be entered by the door of the Prophet's Roza Jairat on the west, the door is called 'Babus Salam'. After entering the Babus salam, after the salam of the Prophet (peace be upon him) at the end of salam, 'Babul left' was to come out.
Fortunately for the pilgrims to Zidane in Madinah. Because there is a chance to visit Paradise to stay alive in the world and to live in the world. Because of Ruja Sharif of Prophet Karim (peace be upon him) and from west to Rasul Karim (may Allahabad), till the pulse of a small area is called Riyazjal Paradise or Gardens of Heaven.
This is the only part of Paradise in the world. At this place, different color carpets are spread. About this place, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that there is a garden in the middle of my roza and the pulpit. The entrances here are to enter Paradise.
In fact, the proper place for the best and most important of all the graves of the world is: Roza Mubarak of the Messenger of Allah. So it's a good tour to visit. There is a consensus of all the ulama-e-karyam in