in #busy7 years ago

We live in a sad world where everything we do requires a password.


When I go to the bank to deposit money into my business account they require my password. I can't even pay my phone bill without having to give my password. Going online to my social sites I must give my password. It seems like everything I do these days I have to have a password.
I remember the days when hardly no one knew what a password was. It's so sad the level of protection required to keep one so called safe these days. Criminals are getting smarter by the day, working harder to steal than if they had a regular honest working job. Pretty soon we will need a password just to open the refrigerator or even use the bathroom. With everything going to smart devices connected to the internet nothing in our home or lives for that matter will be truely safe. If it's connected to the web it's vulnerable to hackers. People who thrive on destroying the lives of people that they never met. Sometimes I wonder if we all should just take a step back from technology and reconnect with the real world.
Just thoughts from a dog.


Yes . it also very important to keep password complex. otherwise others easy break it with hacks. A good password should contain a Uppercase letter, Lowercase letter a sign and number including 8 to 16 characters. But its hard to keep track of these password. To solve this problem we can use password sentences. ex - "I wake up every morning @ 5.30AM. and in weekends @ 6.30 " so password can be first letters of each word - "Iwuem@5aiw@6" BTW cool pic

Yes, I shoukd have included the fact that all passwords are increasealing getting more complex. It just sucks that we need them in the first place.

Right on. I had a dream last night related to this that my coffee cup had a pw? seriously? woof!

Hmmm...maybe it was you telling me to write it.

😂 @bloghound, now that's a trip!

True, and to be honest the need for so many passwords add in the factor of even stricter, more complex, passwords looooong ones mixed with numbers have made us all vulnerable to 'alzheimer's,' and unable (often) to get into our own accounts. As for stepping back from technology, you'd be surprised how different, much, much different the world is without it. We live in a fantasy world, fed by internet connections and electricity. I can attest to this, because my theory was confirmed by having over a month of no electricity and communication when the hurricane assaulted us.

It truly is a sad world. You were forced back in time without your conscent. In a way it was a blessing because you learned to survive without technology for a brief time that must have felt like an eternity.

It was! Mainly, because we are born in a different time ---spoiled. We are not physically conditioned as children from other generations and sometimes countries to survive the physical demands and social. I can go on and on about this experience. It was eye opening.

I'm sure it was

password is really a trend now i think, before i used to use different passwords for different accounts , but now i choose to have one since i'm always forgetting it 😁❤️❤️❤️

That's really not a good idea

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