in #busy5 years ago

Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.


The love of Christ is the unconditional compassion and zeal to deliver others from evil without an intention to be rewarded in the process. It's amazing because this kind of love operates above the level of knowledge of this age. It's important and significant to understand that the love of Christ looks foolish before the unsaved because the human natural mind can't comprehend it.

It's the infilling of the revelatory knowledge of this supernatural love that brings us into the realms of fullness in God. One with the encounter with God's love lives in God's fullness. This is God's desire that we might live our lives full of His love daily. Don't allow the events of life to frustrate the love of Christ in you. Don't be distracted, love even you are not loved back. Let this knowledge dwell in you, remain in His fullness, remain in His love.

Let's pray together.
Lovely Father, thank you for loving us above our knowledge. Please help us to love like you, in Jesus name. Amen.



Love is NOT a feeling. God is love, and if we are with God in his Spirit, his love will fill our life and actions.
Then, we can say how the Lord Jesus in John 14: 9 He who has seen me has seen the Father
His love will be ours and of all those with whom we share it

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