#30DayChallenge - My Fitness and Reading Goals for March

in #busy7 years ago

Not so long ago, (4 months ago to be precise) I wrote about my #30DayChallenge. Back then I was hiking in the mountains and taking my #MTB bike for long rides and #30daychallenge was the cheapest yet most-effective way to keep myself fit for all that I was doing.

Now it has been quite some time that I have actually ventured out in the mountains owing to my knee injury. I am home bound since October 2017 and that has kept me away from all sorts of physical activity. A few days ago @ingaaa wrote about #30daychallenge (30 Day Challenges: The Where, What and Why?) and somehow she stumbled upon my old blog post which you can read here

Quoting from @ingaaa's post about the #30daychallenge

"The Where?"

The first time I came across the concept of a 30 day challenge was actually when watching a TED talk given by Matt Cutts (way way back, probably in 2014, maybe even before that) which I got very fascinated by!

You can watch his talk below but here is my curated version: it takes about 30 (some say 21) days for a new habit to form, so if there is something new that you’ve always wanted to try or get rid off in your life - you should try and do it every day, for the next 30 days.

And at the end of those 30 days - you can then always decide whether or not you want to keep on doing it (say, stay vegetarian) OR whether it’s just not for you. The most important thing is to STICK through those 30 DAYS. And if you can't then... (I'm not sure if he had actually given any advice on what to do if you don’t) - well, then you can always just ditch it or try it again another time :-)

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Now that I am still recuperating from my knee injury, I really can't do any physical activity yet at the same time I can set other goals for me and see whether I live up to the challenge or not.

So here's my new 30 day challenge that I will observe during the month of March

  1. Write 1 blog post on Steemit every day.
  2. Stick to the exercise regime as suggested by my physician for one full month.
  3. Read one book chapter per day (at least) I bought three travel books last month and I am yet to open them
  4. No phone while I eat, not during dinner or breakfast or lunch. No Phone for 30 Days while I eat.

I haven't set any unrealistic goals for myself and I hope I live upto the challenge. Last time when I took this challenge, I started with 0 rope jumps and within 30 days I was able to pull off 500 rope jumps just under 5 minutes

Why don't you too join and tell me about your goals in the comment section.


Hi there, You did some serious workout during this 30 days challenge. Appreciate the focus and goals you made, like no phone using while eating. I hope your knee will recover soon. All the best for you goals. एक शुभचिंतक

Your fitness.

Good plan.

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