Jerry the little spoiled brat - An original story

in #busy7 years ago

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Once upon a time there was a little boy named Jerry.  He was a beautiful little baby and his parents loved him very much. Jerry was an only child and his parents was very proud of him. They struggled for many years to have a baby and then, finally Jerry was born. From the day he was born, he had his parents wrapped around his little finger.  

Because he was an only child, Jerry was far more privileged than other kids. His parents had a lot of money because they worked very hard. But they worked all the time and he hardly ever saw his parents. He sort of grew up alone, so to make up for it, his parents bought him everything he wanted. He had all the latest games, all the latest books, phones, computers and anything else that his little heart desired.  

When Jerry went to school, real problems started.  Because Jerry was so spoiled, and used to having his way, his teachers had endless problems with him. He never did his homework, because he had so many other things at home to keep him busy and schoolwork did not interest him.  Jerry was in trouble nearly every single day. 

As time went by Jerry became a very unhappy little boy. he was mostly alone at home, and his parents were always angry at him, because he was in trouble so much. Nobody at school wanted to play with him as  he was seen as a trouble maker.  

One day a new girl came to school. Jessica was the most beautiful girl that Jerry had ever seen in his life. During recess, Jerry was sitting alone at a table eating his lunch, when Jessica came over and asked him if she could join him. Jerry was delighted. They soon became great friends and everyday after school Jerry walked home with Jessica. She was the best friend that he ever had.  

That weekend when his parents took him to the mall, he did not buy anything for himself.  Instead, he bought quite a few expensive presents to give to Jessica during the week. On Sunday night he wrapped all the presents and he made her a little card to accompany each present. He was extremely excited about his brilliant idea, and he knew for sure that if he bought Jessica expensive presents that she would be his friend forever. 

Monday during recess he could not wait to give the present to Jessica.  He picked out the best one and as soon as Jessica sat down he presented her with the gift.  Jessica was stunned.  She has never owned anything so expensive in her life, and at first did not want to accept it....but it was the most beautiful little necklace with her name engraved on the back of a little golden heart. Jessica felt as if she was in heaven, and thanked him profusely.  Jerry felt very good about himself, and he was sure that he won her over.  

Jessica showed off her new necklace to everyone, and some of the guys in class even seemed a little jealous because of all the attention that Jerry was getting from Jessica. The next day during lunch, he presented Jessica with a second gift.  This time Jessica did not want to accept the gift.  Jerry could not understand why, and she explained to him that expensive gifts could not buy her friendship.  

Jerry was very upset.  He could not understand what he did wrong, and also did not understand why Jessica did not want to accept his gift.  His whole life his parents bought him everything that he wanted just to keep him happy. Expensive gifts meant happiness. 

On Wednesday during lunch, Jessica did not show up.  Jerry was very upset and when he looked around he saw her sitting at a separate table with some of the other girls in his class. He ate his lunch alone, but with a very heavy heart. That afternoon he waited for Jessica to walk her home, but to his amazement Jessica did not want to walk home with him. 

His little life shattered like broken glass. He really wanted an explanation and followed Jessica home. In fact he was in such a hurry that he was waiting for her on the porch when she got home. He demanded an explanation and at first Jessica did not want to talk to him, but due to her kind nature, Jessica felt that she owed him an explanation.  They sat down on the porch and there on the porch, she taught him the most valuable lesson of his life.  

Jessica explained to him that friendship can not be bought. She told him that she would be his friend, but real friends are there for each other, and they don't buy each other's friendship.  She was his friend because she wanted to be his friend, and not because he had money. Jerry began to understand but this was all new to him. In turn, Jerry told her that he did not know that it was wrong, because he never had any friends.  Jessica told him that she would teach him about real friendship.   

At school, Jessica encouraged him to work harder.  She helped him with his homework and soon his marks improved drastically.  His parents were not angry all the time anymore, and he spent way less time in the principal's office. Jerry's life began to change.  He realized now that friendship could be a wonderful gift and that money could not buy happiness. 

That weekend his father told him that they were going to the mall to pick out his birthday present. Jerry was excited because he knew exactly what he wanted for his birthday.

As they were driving to the mall, he asked his parents if they could stop by the park. They had never been to the park before and looked at him in a funny way.  He begged his father and at the end his father gave in.  

Jerry knew that Jessica and her family were having a picnic there this afternoon and he wanted his parents to meet them.  

Jessica was very excited to meet his parents, and really wanted to introduce her own parents to Jerry's parents. Like usual, Jerry's parents were in a hurry and rushed him to finish so that they could get to the mall.  

They were totally amazed when Jerry told them that he did not want anything for his birthday.  He told them that all he wanted for his birthday was to spend time with them in the park.   

They spent the whole afternoon in the park and for the first time in his life, Jerry felt normal.  

That day he taught his parents the greatest lesson of their lives.  He taught them that spending time with your children is way more important than to give them all they wanted.  

After that day, Jerry's whole life changed and his parents became more relaxed and every weekend they took some much needed time to spend time with their new friends, and especially to spend time with their precious son Jerry. 


It's a nice story for kids as well as their parents

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nice story..carry on

Your post is very good

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I really love your stories! This story teaches me so much :)

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