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RE: A Look At Seattle's Homeless Problem And How It Is Destroying the City.

in #busy5 years ago

There is no way we can be able to do something for them because it is from themselves they should start quitting those habits of taking those substances. The only thing that might help them is seeing their fellow users quit those habits. It might be a great encouragement for them somehow. Thanks for sharing this awareness topic.


Certainly the individual has to do the heavy lifting, but expecting someone to "just quit a habit" when they are at the bottom of the social hierarchy is a lot to ask. You see, when you are at the bottom there are no guarantees you're even going to see tomorrow, so the present becomes more important than the future and delayed cratification becomes completely obsolete.

Sacrifices are needed to make a better future, but for someone in the bottom - they are not going to give up the only satisfaction in life they get from drugs/alcohol unless they genuinely believe they can change their lives. It's not even just changing a few habits, but changing one's whole being and belief systems, which is required to make a comprehensive shift.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well said as a former junky I can attest that what your saying is accurate. Addiction is sneaky and nobody would desire to become dependent on anything. No path to this depraved existence is ever alike but a common thread is most certainly a lack of meaningful connections and relationships that are healthy.

There is no easy way to rid society of its waste byproducts without a major paradigm shift. This shift would begin with removing the judgement and taboo of drugs and addiction. Humans are hardwired by their rewards system. Addicts have just hijacked that system with fill in the "blank", gambling, food, sex, video games, social media, shopping, whatever.

Seattle and Portland pale in comparison to the Bay Area. But, it's a, slippery slope and Seattle is certainly on it. Interesting that these affluent tech boom capitols of the world breed the worst most repulsive environments. I have stepped over bodies in SF not knowing if the covered mass is alive or dead, it's very much a zombie apocalypse rising shituation..

Let's not forget the majority of addicts have serious mental health issues to boot. Banning helpful plants and dolling out rx dope isn't the answer this much I'm sure of..

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think the destruction of ethics (wrongly applied through the structures of church, granted , but they were still present)
With marxism, came atheism was the beginning of societal decay.
Atheism destroyed ethics (along with the church) - and never tried to replace it with anything. No alternative model, just destruction of the existing.
And this left a massive 'spiritual' the vacuum. (and still yet to be replaced with something).

This has created a societal wide nihilism that in turn ....I'll stop now..

This is an excellent point and something I talk about a lot too.

It's fine that people have moved away from churches, but where are our kids getting any sense of values or morals. It seems like too often, they are just being raised to be pleasure seekers.

Maybe from parents?

Yes for many it is true, but I also think at a peer level my friends and I talked about right and wrong, and pleasure-seeking in terms of drugs, alcohol, sex, cheating, lying we had more of a moral compass back then.. Geez, I sound old.

I'm so glad you said Zombie Apocalypse, because that is what it reminds me of as well. The living dead.

When I say dead, I mean this does not look like living.

There is no easy way to rid society of its waste byproducts without a major paradigm shift. This shift would begin with removing the judgement and taboo of drugs and addiction. Humans are hardwired by their rewards system. Addicts have just hijacked that system with fill in the "blank", gambling, food, sex, video games, social media, shopping, whatever.

Well Said!

You could have just said 'you're talking shit' - but your comment was far more informative...

You could have just said 'you're talking shit'

Not really my style :P

I bow to your patience...

When you are in the botton, the only way given for you is to climb up. It is really hard to change if the means are just always there around so the most effective way though inevitable is to get out of the place where it is easy for them to have access indulging to those illegal substances.

Homelessness problems? Even the rich will give up their homes and just force themselves to become bystanders and living on the streets where there is access to illegal drugs.

The sane mind becomes irrational because they will do everything just to satisfy their cravings. Quit the bad habit and stick to it. If not, get imprisoned or be sanctioned just for them to totally stop.

Amazed by all of your responses.

They would require at least some detox and if they are unfixable, which I don't believe... should they be allowed to turn the city into a huge garbage pit?

The best way to minimize the number of substance users if not totally STOP it, is for the government to become really stern in doing something about this problem. Here in the Philippines, there have been a lot of people who got imprisoned just because they are proven taking these illegal substances. There have been some warnings and programs that they will get to be under surveillance or get rehabilitated for free just for them to stop using drugs. It's always been a great way to count the number of days/months being sober. Once someone stopped, they should continue not using it again, ever! Thank you so much @whatsup for sharing your thoughts with us.

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