keeps me busy
In a way, farming for votes is not as easy as I expected.
For starters, I have to write a post every 24h now to get that vote.
On my last post, I didn't get one.

I'm posting mainly just to confirm, if it was the NSFW tag, or something else.
Is there any other ways of farming automated votes, that parents should be aware of ? Asking for a friend ...
10 seconds in, I got the busy vote.
I don't see that busy vote yet - But man, why no self-upvote on your post? Haven't your parents thought you that's a great way to earn money?!
Nah - I mean I got the vote for yesterday's post 10 seconds after I sent this post.
Ah ok! Still no excuse for missing out on the self-upvote though!
the self-upvote is real :D
@felixxx du rockst, du hast genug power dich nicht mehr selbst voten zu brauchen.
ich machs nur, um das dann wieder anderen zu geben...bei 40 leuten ca am tag die ich in der steemit-austria deutsch und international crew vote, da vote ich auch ma för moi.....;-P
busy votet erst nach einem tag bei mir.
egal....hauptsache der inhalt meiner post s passt :-)
dir nen schönen samstag.
Farming that busy tag like a pro ;) I only get vote, looks like I'm not good enough to get that vote. I don't get it, how does it work? They upvote someone based on how many whales follow a user? Let's say someone got a lucky whale follow, then suddenly he is set for life from It seems so out there, where is the limit you need to pass to get that is all so very blurry with their system. Is it a bot vote, a manual vote? More transparency is needed.
For the vote the combined vests of your followers count.
For, I don't know, but suppose it's the same.
It's not a smart solution at all.
It mainly rewards old accounts.
Coming to my 2nd year on Steem, I have learned that it's better to exploit first and complain about it later.
Everything on this platform lately is unfair towards newcomers. Where all this is going who knows, right now it seems to be spawning a lot of bad behavior and some of these systems in place are not smart at all, like you said.
Exploit and complain about it later, sounds like every political system everywhere :)
wait, wait. wait....... So if you simply use #busy you get an upvote?
You also have to use to make the post.
is it very much ussually ? I understand it is by how many whales follow you but i am curious if it is worth it
how do you exactly use it?
Like, just use instead ;)
Oh hmm, do you get the same steem from steemit? Sorta like how Dtube uses it?
It's another app on the Steem blockchain.
Like Dtube, Dmania, Zappl ...
kommst du zum meetup montag @felixxx ? oak&Ice...18:30...:-*
Nee - das ist ne halbe Weltreise jedesmal :)
nun, dann hat ein bärlin steemit-weekend mal organisiert zu werden, so dass es sich meeeeeeeeeehr lohnt!!!!! :-P
naja, fragen schadet ja net. :-*
auf bald
Da wär ich bei :)
cool. ich seh zu was da geht und red mal mit den anderen :-D yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Oh wow du bist hier schön am farmen und ich schaff's nicht Aufmerksamkeit von Leuten, die sich für meinen Content interessieren, zu bekommen.
Aber okay. Ich bin jetzt auch erst 13 Tage am Start.
Schönen Samstag dir ;)