RE: Conspiracy Theories Secretly Instilled Through YouTube Kids
Uh ... hold up. Since when are theories and conversation "adult"? If you want the content to match up to what every parent will be okay with - Turn Off The Tube. If you're worried about your own kids ... be a parent instead of treating your kids like brainless receptacles of TV. I mean do you think kids just have zero self-agency and theory of mind? They get it. A kid doesn't believe everything they hear any more than you do, and people are largely lacking critical thought - as evidence nicely by your concern over theoretical explanations that don't go with the general popular consensus. Popular or not, something is wrong when it's wrong. Mock me for saying we never went to the moon; but you're just assuming we did because everyone you know thinks so. They think so because a history book told them. And that was because the previous generation saw ... it on TV. You know what they saw? Grainy, black and white images, filmed by news crews from a shitty projection of what WAS color footage. And it was a third-gen copy. Can you think of why that would be?
And that's where the theory of the conspiratal possibilities come in. Don't you know that the term "Conspiracy theory" was coined by the news and CIA in the 60s specifically to deter the consideration that PERHAPS .. a few people who are way more powerful than you just might not give a fuck about you, and do conspire for power. Looking like we went to the moon makes it look like we have a lot of powers nobody else does.
Now try asking Nasa if we could go to the moon today. Apparently technology has regressed and we forgot how. No kidding, they say that. Gotta figure out how to get out of low-earth orbit ... Right. And all the satellites too? Ever seen the MILLIONS said to be whipping around above your head? No. No you have not.
Ever seen a photo of the earth? No. Nobody has. There's on thing claimed to be that, you can talk to the artist who created it. And it was not a photo.
Really. Critical thought is GOOD to learn. And you're concerned about kids actually considering things for themselves and not simply buying what's in the history book, which is written by jackasses in Texas who really don't care about real history.
Find me ONE single thing that is what it seems. One. And no, not something where you believe it just because somebody said it was true. Argument from authority is nothing, and authority itself is a joke.