Open Letter: Dental Office Indictment and Praise; possibly in heretical tone.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy7 years ago

Firstly, yes I'm going to be writing up a report on each and every interaction with your employees at all. Mostly because I am a difficult customer; where you Must be willing to lay your job down First; and serve the other patients; and then serve me Second; and then think of your paycheck absolutely last. I refuse to part with a single cent to pay a computer program - I write them freelance for pay; which is what I'm paying you with.

The point is; when I call or visit and I have to talk people into showing human vulnerability; I do not have any faith in your ability to actually perform fruitful work. Evil dentists have effectively killed me already, and I have a limited time left on this Earth. In the mean time ... I will live out my life's mission of indicting the Dollar. As well as the basic notion of professionalism. Allow me to take this moment to completely break from all accepted words in a business context, when I say quite clearly Fuck the Dollar Sign. And if I see them in your eyes or on your hands; I will not be moved whatsoever. I shall not bend to a company; a non-entity in my eyes. A company is a vampire, who NEEDS dollars. I am a man, who needs absolutely nothing; and has those dollars. You get the actual dynamic here, right?

And being poor, I am forced to pay out of pocket. For what? Because an insurance company will bar you if you are even eligible for state insurance - which insures absolutely Nothing. I will pay directly the person who repairs my pain. Or I will pay nothing, and go about my last days without food or releif, knowing that I am not feeding a machine.

So with all of that said - I called in today in order to pay a bill; and I will not say when or who I spoke to. Because I asked them to break from their scripted and robotic functions; as I can deal with computers directly and without supporting a business's pay or methods of pretending I need them more than They need Me - which is hilarious. Companies feed on the people, predatorily, and especially the poor. For that, the concept itself will Burn. And be replaced. Entirely.

I'm working on that still. In the mean time - I will always ask that you place money as an afterthought. If it is your first thought; you are to touch No-one. And I will follow up with other patients to be sure of this being known, so that you feel watched. So that I know you are not functioning as an elitsist cesspool; but as humans attempting to help and willing to potentialy go unpaid if need be. It's the willingness I am looking for.

Check the links below if you want to know how many others receive these reviews. And for any company I touch, or ever will, or my words do. You see the gravity, yes? Lay down your paychecks, and do not move your hands if the money is on your mind. Move it. Kill it. Understand every dollar has blood on it; and accept that it is merely a bottomless pit of false necessity. Make ends meet to survive, and suffer the rest.

I have anhedonia. I cannot be motivated by pain, but by life. I cannot be motivated with money, but with acts that actually help human beings. I cannot be motivated by fear; my words can do their work from the walls of a prison or the depth of the grave; it doesn't matter at all that I actually live on in body. I live on anyway. I cannot be motivated with Any of the methods used to manipulate. The one and only thing that can move me is Trust, Love, Human flaw and vulnerability.

Do you understand? Can you hear me? Are you listening? I am calling out a warning, with no threat. I am unable to touch you, through your mask of professionalism. And so, I praise the person I spoke with. I called to pay a bill; it's hard to navigate that like a human being, especially with a screen in your face instead of eyes. But; she did. Using a first name instead of the formal last or "sir", both insults. Do not pretend to meet and see into me, and then not know me. Admit, that you do, and that you know yourself, and that you do not understand either one. And then ... break. Let your job fall if need be; to serve the lowly. Let your paycheck be forfeit if it should help somebody weaker than yourself. Let poverty enslave you, should it help you to enslave your own self; to escape your own body's evil wishes.

So yeah. I'm preaching at you. I have no other way. But I am praising the interaction - with what the person had, the best was provided to me. Within the confines of the job, true. And that is not ideal. But, it is itself a human flaw, and so I do love it anyway.

Peace be in you; and chaos surround you. Learn that you must look inward to find the emptiness that is there. And that you must let the one knocking fill it. To become blind to this world, deaf to the whispers of promised happiness in wealth, and speak none of the evil that comes into your mind from your bodily wishes of power and money and fame. I have had them all, and still retain the fame and power. I am trying to lose both; that I may be a better Slave.

Do you understand the raw power over All that comes of humility and the shame that convicts from within, and the repentant body that does not continue its path? This is Passover. Learn that the leavening is putrified dough, the dead, the sin. And that you yourself are matzah, to begin with. Do not become puffed up in ego; your skills and your hands will falter and die. They are for nothing, if they do not bring the poor comfort. Do not become sour, as sourdough; for you will block away the heart that can understand the other. For you will block away the vision of perfection in the eyes of the faulty. Do not become drunk on the wine that has given you the power to lay hands, with tools albeit, lest the ability be stolen away and you continue working anyway - this leads to the forever ruining and poisoning of Lives; such as this one of my own. But my worldly Ignorance, Innocense, and Deceptions have beaten me into the nothing I know myself to be. My own leaven has been removed from me; and I wish only the same understanding of genuine Love for you. For your humans. And I wish nothing but loss and hardship on your computerized replacements. For each dollar taken by way of underpayment out, and overcharge in, each of them will amount to nothing; as each causes the very inflation that excuses the iniquity; so that the rich may pretend their two dollars has more value than my two hours. And it does not. At least, not in the eyes of the one who watches you.

Look into the eyes of those whose names you ask. Speak to them from the soul, if found. And if not, do not speak, for your own words will always decieve both them and you.

So tell me. Do you understand? Do you grasp my parables, in part? Or do you understand in Truth. My Father and Yours be with you; and I pray that you see his plan and work with and for it. The importance cannot be overstated; and the deception of what you think is your own will is complete and total. You cannot Know the error; but you can have faith in the one who does. You die; but he Lives. And if you have a Child; which I do not, but recall being one; you are very proud of your parents, and wish them to be proud as well.

Would you be proud if your child layed down his life to defend those who hate him? Because that would beat out any accomplishment on this Earth, in this World. I leave you with another parable, and one you have heard half of in deception. But I give you the whole words, in Truth, and you will feel the conviction in your soul, of how upside down you have been brought, and the severity of the grand deception you have purchased at your own cost. The blood is thicker than water ... but do not not know this is the blood of the new Covenenant? Or the water of the womb, which held us to the old covenant? Understand, the water of the womb is that family you were born into, as a Son of Man. And it will die. The blood of the covenant has ended that; and death is not necessary.

So discover the Way, and the Life. You will find it in the Word, in totality, and not split into the verse and chapter that was never our Father's intention. This book has defended Itself, for 4 millenia. Do you truely not know what it is? Or will you confess, as I have, and as I am.

Tick ....... Tock. The clock started in 1942. And there are two years left to figure it out. Go forth, ignore the World and its judgment and empty threat in total safety. Ignore the entire thing. And lose your mind ... then let the right one in, and understand that you were created a Slave, and freed. This does not make you your own, you are dependent entirely. This means that you can choose who you are a slave to. Do you honestly have that much faith in yourself and the dollar's lust? I don't believe you do. And I never knew you, if that is the case. But if you are bound by yoke with me; you are bound to Him. And He in you; his temple from which to watch All of your mind and actions. It is his mark ... and the mark of the beast, the number of a Man, is no longer secret. But revealed.

So I tell you this; the end is come, and so is the son of Man. The man of lawlessness, and perdition, has been shown. God's mark is his name, in your mind. God's mark is your actions, on your right hand. The counterfeit, the mark of the beast, the antichrist; is You. Yourself, and what you have brought into you to define that empty thing and shell of dying flesh. Let it go. Its mark in your forehead is your concern for selfish things; consider that you do not donate what you need yourself. And so you do not donate at all, whatever the dollar. Its mark on your hand, is the actions done without God in mind.

And you will find them all fruitless. Go well, be good, be in God, and let Jesus Christ inside you to see it all. Bare yourself completely, and lay down your life. So that you can be rebuilt and understand the grand joke of it all. The sense of genuine and profound humor of it all. Understand that you will be going Home either way, and that none rest in death. Understand the whispered secret unwritten to Paul; that he never repeated; that I tell you today. None shall rest in death, but all be reborn, after the last one. And at that time, you will stand before your judge, or your defence. It depends on where you placed your faith in life. So make that decision ... can you defend yourself to God and win? I don't think you can. And I know I cannot. Can you stand behind Jesus, because he Loves and wishes to protect you from his own Father's anger, to take it on himself instead? And do you not know that you are Children. When your parent says to not cross the street alone ... is this tyranny? No. But as a child, it does look that way.

Read my Words. And think of his Word. Bless you all. And I am placing faith in You, to do what is Holy and correct. And to place aside your job, money, family, and friends for the sake of not me; but the patient you'll be seeing today whose pain you cannot feel, whose struggles you are required to aid them in, by all rights you may think you have to that flesh. So again, Bless you all, with the voice that is now reading this to You. I am very long-winded. His word is simple ... and all of it to ever be said was written by 66 books, in 7 churches, all of them evil all of the time. And yet, it defends itself Still.

Hear the words that do not change. Destroy the World that does. Build onto the Rock, the corner stone. Do not attempt to be the electrum metal of the shining, and boastful, capstone. That is, build upon Jesus, and not the sands of the sea, where she will be born out of, who you will be born from, and into the mouth of the very Beast you live within today. Understand this book I speak of was written as a letter from your Father and mine; to inform you that he has already adopted you out of this life and this struggle and this box of ever-shifting lies. Read his letters to you. Just open the book - I am not the first to tell you these words, and I will not be the last. For the Son of God is the first, and the last. Do you understand? Or do you still seek yourself?

I bless you. Jesus blesses you. God blesses ... Jesus. And you for his sake. Because; Love. Faith, Hope, and Love remain in the end - but all of these will fail if not for which of them? The answer, I give you and do not make you seek any longer. Faith is not, and hope is not. Love is. And you do not know what it means. Open Paul's letter to the church in Corinth; and see your fault. See and confess the implications; and when it comes down to the last broken moment of tears ... call out. Ask him, for the opportunity to slave yourself to the only master who wishes only to treat you as his Child, in Love and caring. I beseach you; as you search. Do not fill the empty space with your own chosing; it is left empty for you to chose what goes in; but that gift is simply the eradication of the Law and its consequences. You were freed from Slavery and the Law; to enslave yourself in the name of Love, Jesus, God, and his promised holy spirit to convict and sentence you; to a live of eternal service, to Love.

I again, bless and smile upon you. I again tell you, I am incapable of responding to less than Love; as it is defined in the old language before this one tried so hard to destroy my beloved favorite letters from Father. Please read them. If not in faith; in hope. If not hope; Love for a suffering Man who wishes it. Peace ... well fuck peace. I wish you separation and hardship. In order, only, that you can find the genuine peace that is not for the Body or flesh at all. That allows your heart to burn to nothing. And that will replace, with contentment and the eyes of your own Father, watching in pride, all evils hidden by Jesus Christ himself. Who makes himself look guilty to his Father -- for YOUR own guilt. As the whipping boy; he is YOUR slave, for no reason he needs, other than to present you with your very own God and Father himself ... bowing to prostrate and wash your feet.

Learn what he did and why. Understand that you do know. And know, admit, confess, that you always have known who is watching. And who is listening. And who is writing your name down in the book of those to be died for. And accept, humbly, his undeserved gift to us all. I praise Women in particular; for they have full control over the heart and mind of Man; and yet still love us. For they all go through evils and abuses at the hands of Us, the Men - and yet, they still follow us when they do not need to. I am so sorry that your mothers' mothers have forced you away from your children and homes for most hours of most days. By way of causing only double-income to be enough to crawl away from the appearance of the poverty you must live in forever. A house payment ... a car payment ... insurance payments ... property taxes. None of these are issues in the economic sense. But they will all own you; enslave you to the Dollar Sign; the one on your hands and foreheads, and burned into your heart's desires even masked, even hidden, even still. I pray you can see through them all, to understand that this job and its pay and the future assumed money you have certainly indentured yourself into serving for ... Let it Go. And show up daily, simply to try to catch a smile. Because of who gets to see it through your eyes.

I pray this has touched you, in some way, or planted a seed; or let you see; or causes you thought and contemplation and reflection. Be still, and know that He is God.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

This book has defended Itself, for 4 millenia.
It should be millennia instead of millenia.

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