Люблю запах укропа )
На днях слушала программу по радио, там рассказывали о разных дикорастущих растениях ядовитых. Оказывается, есть ряд травок, которые маскируются под культурные растения. Есть похожий на укроп, есть даже такой как морковка. Я как-то напряглась... )
Dill spread grass on the table Belarusians. After all, in addition to exceptional taste, dill has many useful and therapeutic properties for health. Dill greens contain vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, nicotine and folic acid, as well as many valuable trace elements such as calcium salts, potassium, iron, phosphorus.
Useful properties of dill
Due to this composition, dill effectively regulates the gastrointestinal tract, lowers pressure and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Due to its beneficial properties, dill is able to alleviate the symptoms of cystitis and kidney diseases. Dill has diuretic and choleretic properties, and is also used as a means of enhancing the secretion of milk from nursing mothers. And dill instantly relieves headache and helps with insomnia. From personal experience when cooking the soup added at the end of cooking, five minutes or ten huge bunch of dill. The ear turns out excellent.
А где огурчики, помидорчики?)
Скоро 😀
Люблю запах укропа )
На днях слушала программу по радио, там рассказывали о разных дикорастущих растениях ядовитых. Оказывается, есть ряд травок, которые маскируются под культурные растения. Есть похожий на укроп, есть даже такой как морковка. Я как-то напряглась... )
У нас на лугу копия укропа растет, только чуть мельче)
Dill spread grass on the table Belarusians. After all, in addition to exceptional taste, dill has many useful and therapeutic properties for health. Dill greens contain vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, nicotine and folic acid, as well as many valuable trace elements such as calcium salts, potassium, iron, phosphorus.
Useful properties of dill
Due to this composition, dill effectively regulates the gastrointestinal tract, lowers pressure and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Due to its beneficial properties, dill is able to alleviate the symptoms of cystitis and kidney diseases. Dill has diuretic and choleretic properties, and is also used as a means of enhancing the secretion of milk from nursing mothers. And dill instantly relieves headache and helps with insomnia. From personal experience when cooking the soup added at the end of cooking, five minutes or ten huge bunch of dill. The ear turns out excellent.
Awsome and very beautiful photography of flowers photo @ekaterinka
Thank you
wow So beautiful photography flowers and sky 👌👏🌹 @ekaterinka
Thank you
Nice and wonderful flowers photo 🌹 @ekaterinka
Thank you