Who want to Play Game and Earn: Prospector Eos Game is Here
Hello everyone, Good day again today I would like to introduce everyone to the new mining game on EOS blockchain. And also the strategy to follow and play the game. If you haven’t joined yet please follow this link and join https://prospectors.io/?ref=desmond41411. To sign up onto this game you have to get an eos account before. To start with lets get all the strategy in place and let move forward. When I first joined I didn’t know how to go about it so I realized that with the three workers I can use them to make alot of things. First of all reserve one of your workers and use two to Work on transportation since they don’t have any tools to mine. So when you get enough Gold to buy stuffs from the market then you will send the one worker you have reserved to pickup the stuffs you have bought. From there then you can start crafting your stuffs and earn. I will continue from there later in the day stay up if you have any questions to you can ask in the comments below. Thank you for your time